
Lando is the finest character in Star Wars saga. So it’s no surprise that when he owned Falcon, it was also very fiiiine.

Even in Lego form, Donald Glover is still a pants dropper.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

And yet, regardless of the massive streamlining and equally massive quality of life changes, we still have folks who claim that the combat needs to be more ‘newbie friendly’ because they don’t really want Monster Hunter, they want something that doesn’t punish you for bad choices -pretending- to be Monster Hunter.

Yeah but men dont have the luxury of showing a bare modicum of skin and being showered with donations and subs, they have to actually be entertaining or good at the games they play. It goes both ways.

don’t entirely understand this, I feel like the community is entirely made up of babies that hate change, they ditched fog, they ditched rain now apparently they are ditching the desert why don’t they just change play style appropriately :p.

I say we lock ‘em in a cage and airdrop ‘em into an active volcano. Then stream it for charity.

They do have 2 step verification.

The best part of MH is that each weapon has a depth and tactics that require mastery. A lesser game would have added 2 or 3 of them and called it a day, or made minor knockoffs. MH has 14 of them, none of them share movesets, and each one has dozens of versions with different stats.

Whenever I murder someone with my pistol, I consider it a mercy kill. :v