
Here in Maryland, we steam our crabs and shrimp. I know in Louisiana, they boil their shellfish. How about some Sous Vide Crawfish?

I give the advantage to Gortat in a fight. If there’s any area a Washington professional athlete is proficient, it’s choking.

Easy Top row L to R: Poindexter, The Grube, Deb from accounting, “Slitherin” Steve.
Bottom row L to R: Chud, Nationally ambiguous name guy, ‘Stache-Man Jones, Squats and “Pussy Thief” Dave “the Eye-Talian stallion”

Excuse the fuck out of me for admiring someone.

Even the Mexican fans showed more fight than Klinsmann’s USMNT.

Tom come on man they’ve been doing that handshake for months.