Snyder is the ex owner of the the Washington football team. This area celebrated so damn hard after the final sale of the team. Please fix.
Snyder is the ex owner of the the Washington football team. This area celebrated so damn hard after the final sale of the team. Please fix.
Thank you for this. Some things I knew to be true, but seeing the numbers to them is very real. Please people vote. Have a plan to vote! Use those drop boxes that are official!
Most importantly vote in off years. If you don’t then you end up standing in long lines, fighting for your rights against judges that don’t see…
I have the game and every expansion for it. I like it enough because it is DS to it’s core. I will say though, there are a good many people out there that do not like it and there are some house rules that people have created to make the game more streamlined.
I have the game and every expansion for it. I like it enough because it is DS to it’s core. I will say though,…
I came here to post this. Runaway!!!
Rip bloomy
Dan Snyder is so pissed right now.
Just made my gravy based on this. So damn good I almost drank it.
Reverse sear method always works for me. Use a two zone grill setup and put your burgers on the non-direct heat side. This brings up the temperature slowly enough and helps them cook evenly. Then when about done sear them over the direct heat to get your wonderful grill marks and crust.
Yeah... Going to do this tonight. Though I drank up a bunch of my bourbon last night drinking old fashions.
Like a boss.
Go by yourself. Enjoy the movie and don’t worry about what your SO or friends thinks about the movie, the seats, the company because your anxieties like to take over the brain for hours at a time...
As a solo player I’m excited beyond belief about this!
I tried this (first time having ox tail) and it was amazaballs!
Oh Nog could be good I guess. I’ve never tried to make it before though...
All in for boiled peanuts or the creme brulee!
Your go to drink for thanksgiving is...
Your go to drink for thanksgiving is...
It will. It is. This is a big step and the way she ran this race should be a playbook for all candidates. Amazing.