
My only gripe is the taking money from private prisons and that whole kids for cash thing. I would not sleep well at night knowing I had that money on my side.

I was on a plateau until I widened my squat stance. I have been moving up ever since.

Or, just lower productions. Which is actually whats happening now.

If only I could give more than one star.

I think it is a good thing. Everyone is getting a taste of each flavor before deciding between the two top choices.

well said

Cool, my first Bernie-bro. I’m not on twitter or Facebook so I could only hear second had. I guess everything sounds like a fight over the internet (meaning my comment). I get where they are coming from now. SO, hey guy, tone it down a bit and not everything online is a fight.

Well that makes sense seeing as how they only get 76 cents on the dollar.

Well, maybe I should have put it into context. I have done weights before but nothing that came close to whole body. I’d work chest and arms and it was always almost half assed. So I was relatively (embarrassingly) new to back and legs. Nearly all of my gains were in those areas.

I don’t know if I could eat that much. I think at that point all my calories would come from protein.

But did you have as much fun?

Good catch! I redact my statement.

I started lifting for sport (power lifting) when running became too tedious. I had to learn what a split routine was and how to maintain focus on specific muscle groups (primary/secondary), how long they need to rest, diet, ect. I really don’t spend as much time at the gym as it might sound. And, there is a good

I may have, in part, an explanation for the eggs. Beginning in May of last year I went from a cardio focused routine to lifting. I had been eating eggs before but with lifting it became a staple (more often and more of them). The muscle gains added 16 lbs.

Hold on a minute. Maybe someone got confused and had mistaken the model x with a public restroom? It was at night so vision was limited and we all know how hard it is to tell the two apart in the dark.

Notice that the red arrow points to the right.

To piggy back on what your saying. Those connections come at a price. I think she could strong arm on certain things but what is given up in return scares me.

He/she does make a point. Kennedy appointed a crook to hunt other crooks. I don’t want it to be that way but a valid point no less.

very true. That is why I hope he brings the whole game (congressional seats) to the left a bit.