
When he really could just work it naturally. Anders, for example, was supposedly driven insane by Justice. Ok, show that. Show the insanity and the loose associations. Show Justice asserting control. Show indications of Anders having an ends-means value system.

Feminists hold one thing to be true: if you're not unquestioningly for them, you're forever against them.

It's not easy to get a meaning across as a minority when the overly-liberal representation army has decided that you need saving and they're the only ones who can do it with representation.

We need to stop this shit where majorities owe us minorities reparations or equity for past transgressions. They don't.

Yeah, his character isn't defined by his sexuality. His sexuality just made him outcast which resulted in him acting out even more in his sexuality because he's gay. And he's the FIRST EVER FULL GAY.

And it should be that way. I keep screaming about how awesome Bill is in Last of Us because him being gay has nothing to do with anything. It actually made him a better character. You realized the associations around him, his lover dangling from the ceiling, and you realize his pain, his struggle, and the shit he's

Yeah, that must be why you're ogling over how hot he is and how sexy his abs are. Those are success markers. Who knew!

That's what happens when well-meaning liberals decide that representation is important. You get representation, but it's crappy representation. You get gay characters and gay planets instead of characters who happen to be gay.

Frankly, Gaider's a poor quality writer. He sees himself as someone who has to force the plot. It can't unfold naturally. The reflection of this is the gay character who is totally, completely, fully gay! He can't just say, "You'll have any number of romancable options." No, he has to make it a forced point — THE

Nobody knows. It seems Dorian is also completely defined by how gay he is. Why? 'cause Gaider is a shitty writer.

David Gaider is a lazy writer who self-inserts whenever possible. This will be one of the best moments for him to insert himself into the story and pretend that it's "representation." As a gay man, I don't want that fucker writing gay men. He suck at it. He writes gay men, he doesn't write men who happen to be gay.

How cute, you think companies and developers don't use Twitter for PR.

He's SUPER GAY. Like totally gay. He's gay for real real. SO GAY. REALLY GAY. FULLY GAY.

Don't congratulate us. We got a character that is defined by his sexuality. That's not something to congratulate anymore than it's OK to congratulate the Black community that they got a backwoods, African bushwhacker with elongated ears swinging a spear around.

No, representation is the way that you twats feel good about yourself. Slap in a token minority and you're helping the world!