Cough Whitlam

Ahem. *Opiate* addicts and dealers.

They’re right next to the Space Mormons.

I just saw the No Time To Die this weekend.

The Drawn Together commentary tracks are hilarious and filthy, and she’s part of that.  She’s got such a droll sense of humor.  They’re all talking all over each other and it’s like being at a party with all your friends.

Ah, yes.  The Death Star of David.

That looks like a play put on by a high school with a decent budget.

“ smell like your mother...!”

This movies does not have Sting in a speedo getting a steam bath and is therefore the inferior film adaptation...

Not only were they good at avian ass-kickery, they can spell “THANKS FLASH” with their bodies.
Actually, that’s all they can spell.
They waited millennia for someone named “Flash” so save them. It’s true. Every holiday they fly over and spell “THANKS FLASH”.

Those gams!

Were it not for global distance, and the strictures of a post-covid world, I would hug you. That video is magbloodynificent.

Is the ceiling suitable for dancing?

I remember starting to salivate whenever he described “ candied nuts embedded in cheeses.” I’d always, ALWAYS have to have a snack when reading those books.

He looked, but the ceilings weren’t smooth enough for dancing.

No. But it was him she was looking for 

Huh. The part that stuck with me from Hatchet was when the kid finds turtle eggs to eat and they taste oily.

I keep seeing this and freaking out that Yakko died. But that’s Rob Paulsen

I liked a description of that film in which it said that Shannon basically plays his own incompetent enforcer.

BRUH! You SEE me! Yes yes yes to all this.