Cough Whitlam

This will stand as my most embarrassing failure in a career of embarrassing failures

Fagin the Brooklynite.

“Well, IGN says the latest Call of Duty sequel is 10 out 10 and has a little bit of fun for everyone, any critic that disagrees is clearly not doing their job right”
-A lot of fucking idiots

GE also contends with a post-Soviet world better than any other Bond film, even the post-9/11 Casino Royale. CR really only tangentially mentions non-government terrorism. The threat isn’t that immediate, it’s just they accidentally give terrorists money. That’s...happened so many times before. 

Now playing

I’d agree that it’s hard to imagine you can cut through a car with those saw blades, but those helicopter saws are a real thing and make pretty good sense being in the movie since they’re clearing forest for running pipe through.

If you don’t want to see Bond use the roof of his rocket sled to windsurf an arctic tidal wave caused by a glacier collapsing due to a satellite laser from space chasing him across the ice, do you even really want to see a Bond movie?

Have you played a Far Cry game? I haven’t played the whole series, but I played the last two and both of them were trying to make political statements. They just weren’t doing a very good job at it.

The Junior United Nations is in town!

“If the film has a legacy, I am not sure what that would be.”

The premise would have to be stupider, “What if marrying someone who WASN’T more related to you than a first cousin was the thing that was illegal?”

Don’t forget, they all have to pretend they were weird or fat in high school because they came in second for prom queen voting

Nothing against Qualley’s talent, which I’m certain is in evidence in her performance, but yes I couldn’t help rolling my eyes a bit when I saw her cast as a ‘salt-of-the-earth single mother’. It’s like, ‘come watch the inspirational story of how Ana Taylor-Joy overcame her stutter to make friends.’ Fuck right off,

One queen bed and one air mattress, in typical AirBNB fashion

The dedicated kick button is great. It never stops being fun to boot enemies off cliffs and watch them fall to their doom.

Might be a dumb question, but would an Aussie or European cartridge of Terranigma work in an American SNES? I know the Japanese ones won’t fit; I actually took a saw to my copy of Seiken Dentetsu 3 to get the ridges off... 

When my wife and I went to Spain the English tourists got to be a running joke. At a nice restaurant we heard a women loudly insisting that her husband not tip for the dreadful service. And while we were walking the Alhambra an elderly man in a suit sidled up to me very close and whispered “Keep a hand on your

Speaking as someone who works in the visuals arts, who has had to scrape and scrimp for every dollar for my creative endeavors, for this artist to completely fuck over the institution that paid him scads for their silly virtue signaling exhibit. Bravo, sir.  You have lived my dream.

“One form of pseudo-polyphony consists of a superficial integrationism which simply inserts new heroes and heroines, this time drawn from the ranks of the subaltern, into old functional roles which are themselves oppressive, much as colonialism invited a few assimilated ‘natives’ to join the club of

He gets his cred from hipsters because he looks weird and has an accent, but underneath he’s just another boring white guy who isn’t that bright.

ironically the most radical thing they could do would just be a straightforward james bond movie without being mired in pathos or lore. it doesn’t have to be john wick it doesn’t have to be marvel just make a cool spy movie with exotic locations, bad sex puns and a guy who wants to blow up the moon or something.