Hey people who don’t use our product. To make sure you aren’t being stalked by our product please download this software we made. Don’t forget to allow the program to use your location, otherwise it wont work right.
Hey people who don’t use our product. To make sure you aren’t being stalked by our product please download this software we made. Don’t forget to allow the program to use your location, otherwise it wont work right.
Something I was once taught about the physical sciences also applies to the human sciences, including surveys: “It’s easy to do an experiment. It’s hard to do a good one.”
Bullitt sucks.
It can never be said enough that Diane Sawyer got her start in the Nixon White House, and remained closed to Nixon after his resignation.
Just in case you think “it was just a high profile job”, she followed Nixon to California after his resignation. She later helped him prep for the Frost interviews and helped him…
A writing staff that’s 90% male Cambridge graduates who performed in the Footlights
If anybody at all in the world of motorsport would be involved with Epstien, I would expect it to be Bernie Ecclestone.
And a healthy plot for today’s political environment!
I don’t know how anyone could watch the trailer and thought House of Gucci was going to be a good movie. It looks bad but in a fun camp sort of way.
Is it just me, or are things getting worse as the latest generations of pickups hit the road? Just in the past month or so, I feel like I’m being blinded more and more frequently, from behind and in front.
Yeah I feel like dry brines make a lot of sense with smaller pieces of protein, especially pork tenderloins, fish filets, even individual poultry pieces like thighs, but the extra water really helps with a turkey breast, at least in my experience!
The worst thing about barbecue is all the people who tell you you are doing it wrong because the best thing about barbecue is that there is almost no wrong way to do it.
I immensely dislike this aesthetically. This was half-assed. The $40 Autozone split level headlights, painting all the chrome body colour, and ripping the steering wheel and infotainment screen from the Mach-E and installing them with... Are those fucking self-tapping wood screws? This was not the way to do this.
I’ll give it a shot, but am I the only one who thinks John Cho looks a little old to be playing Spike?
“As for the nuts...I can just picture the mold growing on these when I haven’t touched them by the end of the week.”
When Fred Silverman canceled ‘The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau’, Denver introduced Cousteau to Ted Turner, causing Turner to pick up the show for TBS.
Which tells you which of the above-mentioned persons has a soul and which does not.
Hahahahaha I loved that song when I was like... 6? Anyway, single-digit-age me was a big fan of both John Denver and Jacques Cousteau.
What is genuinely surprising to me around the issue of “body positivity” (or was surprising, before it happened a bunch of times,) is the number of people who come out of the woodwork to say mean things about celebrities (and particularly female celebrities,) after they’ve lost a significant amount of weight. I think…
...and moving Coors east of the Mississippi in under 28hours?
My son and I have watched videos of pigs head prep and have talked about doing it in the future. Problem is when we make these gigantic projects, I’m the only one who eats them. It took me more than one try to get this pie right, and you don’t want to know how much pork I’ve consumed this month. You really don’t.
I could do without Frosty on that list and replace with "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town." Just for Burgermeister Meisterburger alone. Almost as good a name as Thurl Ravesncroft.