
Unless she has a vise-grips in her right hand, this woman has no reason to be smiling, unless she’s one of those people that make weird faces just before throwing up.

I’m not a fan of sterile, cold home designs. Then again I also think the design for the i3 is terrible too. I don’t get the design language in that car especially seeing as how the i8 looks great. But the i3? WTF...

When Roy Cohn calls you callous you need to invest in a whole body PedEgg.

And in 75 years a man with a train conductor hat and beard will pay $300 billion (inflation) for the only GT that was ever sent to Multimatic on a Tuesday, which is a unique day of the week and therefore makes the car priceless

I think Ferrari just found a way for a car to make diamonds. That much heat and pressure just may turn those carbon discs into precious gems. Drive it super hard into many, many corners, let it catch fire (of course), and sell the rotors off as the worlds largest cut stones. You don’t really need the fire part I

Can I go to pebble beach alone and still have a great time that is worth the experience, an experience that I can only reminisce about with myself in the future?

Yep. The gym is a scary enough place to set foot into when you’re uncomfortable with your weight. Add this to it, and lots of people will be scared away. The gym itself is intimidating, let alone worrying about whether you’re going to be judged, photographed, and displayed to the whole world while in the locker room.

Same thing in Poland but screw passing in opposite lane in a E220d rental while I am used to my G8 GXP’s power

This is also common in Mexico and Latin America, only it’s left turn signal for “yes, you can pass” and right for “nope”.

They DID successfully create the new tradition of me getting home from work and realizing that the first semifinal had already been completed before 5:30 pst

I get not wanting to nibble on mediocrity, but I’d much rather nosh on adequacy than choke on greatness, assuming I can also sip on competence.

That’s why Mary Carillo’s so great. She’ll get a 5-, 10-minute chunk between events to tell a story, and she’ll tell it. And then it’s over. It’s so much better than what are basically biographical bumpers NBC slips into competition coverage.

Sochi, London, Vancouver, Beijing, Torino, Salt Lake City.

For all the people who need an explanation on why “All lives matter” is racist: It is a direct refutation of the Black Lives Matter protest movement, which is not claiming black supremacy, but instead an implicit acknowledgment that black lives (also) matter.

Could you imagine if someone altered the national anthem in support of Black Lives Matter?

Rarely, and I mean RARELY, do I wish harm upon anyone on this planet. But these folks in Happy Valley that literally aided a child molester in his crimes definitely hold a special place in my heart.


The girl with the shaved head says we can feed our blood to plants

For someone wanting to evade ejaculation euphemisms, your racetrack is strangely phallic.

Drivers are inappropriately using the feature, yes. Tesla should understand that it will happen, though, and take one of two approaches: