
That’s fine if you just need to go from your mansion to your office building, but what if you need to get to somewhere without an extradition treaty quickly? You’re going to need some longer legs.

But his kids are the right kind of kids so it’s ok. 

Everyone seems to have missed another point. He says he’s trying to escape overpopulation yet he has also stated that he thinks population collapse due to low birth rates is a huge risk. On the face of it you’d think it’s contradictory until you realize that he thinks the wrong kind of people are overpopulated and the

I enjoy 6 out of the 10 so I guess I’m weird. Ok, I know I’m weird. Cinnamon candy canes are great and, as others have stated, good quality cherry cordials and chocolate oranges are really good. Cheap ones are terrible. The others I like are probably due to nostalgia and me being an Olde because I like hard candy,

You do know that Culver’s is not a national chain, right? If you live in Chicago I’m sure it seems like they are. Looks like they are centered in the upper midwest and southeast and pretty sparse elsewhere.

Cleveland Brown fans rejoice. 

Don’t watch it! I know it’s forbidden fruit, but it’s also rotten, moldy fruit. It’s painfully bad. Like, elderly Wookie watching porn, bad. Even in 1978 a thirteen year old me knew it was horrible, and we watched plenty of variety shows. Spare yourselves.

The only no-bake cookie in our family is a chocolate, oatmeal, coconut affair that is in the form of an actual cookie. The kind that comes up when you Google “no bake cookies”

What are you on about? Nobody said shit about Tesla in this post. You know, the post criticizing JLR for being shady. Do you rush to defend Tesla in every post critical of another car maker? Fanboi gonna fanboi, I guess.

So, tell the truth. Have you ever actually watched Some Like it Hot? Because it seems like you just scanned the IMDB for it. Edward G. Robinson is not in it. At the same time you left out Joe E. Brown who delivers a wonderful performance and the movies crowning glory of a last line. 

People don’t watch superhero movies to try to keep track of what is happening in multiple universes to a multitude of characters. That’s fine for comics but it just isn’t what a wider audience wants in a popcorn movie. They don’t have to go back to familiar characters, they just need to pare things down and make fun

I’m not sure how the food would survive but I’m sure it’s better than eating in a Texas Roadhouse. Those things are incredibly loud, and I’m not talking about the music. Their architecture and decor bounce sound around so that the normal sound of a restaurant is amplified to painful levels. Add in the overly salty

As someone who works for a translation/localization company I found their process a little strange. Usually a company will pay a company like mine to translate and localize for all of the languages that they need, not pick one company to do one language. It makes me think that they aren’t all that shocked by the

there are transmitters available that will allow you to use your wireless headphones in-flight, such as .

Two people living in a house with a three car garage (my one demand of a new dwelling) gives you a “snout house”. It’s just how it works. We don’t need a lot of space for people but I wanted a certain minimum garage space. Sure a house with a detached shop would have been preferable but finding that in our price range

Every time I mow the yard I reward myself by snagging some sungold cherry tomatoes off the vine as I pass them. So incredibly good!

Maui is different than Kaui in that it has a more dramatic difference between the windward and leeward sides of the island due to the height of Haleakala. South Maui is very dry, with cactus and all, so it’s not a huge shock to me to see a wildfire there but I wouldn’t have thought that Lahaina would be in danger.

Oh man! I saw the pictures but I didn’t realize that they had lost so much! While we normally stay in South Maui we always make a trip up to Lahaina to experience the banyan tree park and Front Street. So much history gone. 

I think they did anticipate pieces of the shield would come off. That’s what “ablative” means. It didn’t ablate the amount, and in the manner, that they modeled.

He didn’t bail her out. He just didn’t fight bail being set. The headline is wrong.