
Depends on how you define a car movie. For car spotting it’s great. Lots of interesting cars including Jacqueline Bisset’s Porsche. If you want non-stop high-speed action, it’s bad. The French Connection would be even worse unless you love Lincoln land yachts. 

It is not the movie’s fault that people think it’s some kind of action movie. It’s was never intentioned to be that. It’s a detective movie. The same can be said for The French Connection. Yes, to a modern audience both can seem glacially slow. Again, that’s not the movies’ fault. They are from a different time that

So it will have 100 cast members of which 8 are actually shown?

My 7 7/8 melon scoffs at 7 1/2 being “big”. Back when I had hair it was pushing an 8. 

And suddenly small diesel generators become a thing.

Oh goodie, the falsely accused hero battling a conspiracy. What a unique plot.  

The military used injection guns to do assembly line vaccinations. I’d much rather have a needle. They hurt a lot less. 

he’s amoral and pathologically self-centered

Checking Wiki, it came out in July 1975 so I was an old man of 9. We always watched the Jacques Cousteau specials and of course everyone loved John Denver!

Now playing

It’s hard to believe just how famous he was. John Denver even wrote a hit song about his ship.

Time for you to watch Summer School!!!

Coffee is the only bean I consume daily. 

Why the fuck is a newsworthy article posted as a slideshow? The clickbait list stuff is expected, not wanted but expected, but this is a terrible idea. Is gaming the numbers really that vital? 

I really liked Wendy’s fries, but I always had them hot. I’m disappointed that they’re changing them to a battered version. 

No. they are mouth breathing morons who would rather believe random idiots on Facebook than actual immunologists because science education in this country sucks.

I’m going to bet that my 71 Camaro is more of a risk than the average kei car, but I’m sure RI authorities won’t ban cars like it. 

The vaccines are poison (all of them evidently) but horse de-wormer is A-OK. How do these people manage to tie their shoes?

I’m not a country fan either but she was really good in Tremors.

If you watched the race you know that Glickenhaus was campaigning during the race, not just after it.

I’ve been getting that every time I try reading one of these sites on my phone. Not necessarily the Billie Eilish ad but other ones. Covers up 80% of the text and can’t be closed. Brilliant.