
As noted Stars & Stripes covers stories of interest to members of the military that nobody else covers so the loss is more important that most people would assume. I served back in the 80s and of course there was no internet so they were the best source of info when you were overseas, but even now where else are you

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Space X also made a grain silo fly today so huzzahs all around!

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Totally off topic but by coincidence I was enjoying a bit of Maserati heritage earlier today. I’m sure the new one won’t require the skills of Fangio to drive it.

So I gather you were UP! all night? 

For me that motivation for car projects waxes and wanes. Sometimes I can’t wait to get out and wrench then I go through periods where that seems like a huge chore. Some people do have a never ceasing drive to work on cars, but I think there are a fair number like me who get burned out at times. If you’re like that

Exactly. Our cake had three layers with a different flavor for each. We got a little bite of the first layer but didn’t even get to try the others. 

We barely got any of the cake at the wedding let alone had some for a year later. We did the cutting the cake pictures and had our bites then, but after that we were so busy that we never sat down and had any. Pity too, since by all accounts it was delicious. 

Pho King A it is. 

I’m in Spokane, WA. 

My favorite pho place is in an old Pizza Hut building. They painted the roof but it’s unmistakable. The food is orders of magnitude better. 

Timely! We are up to our necks in tomatoes. Normally we have a few plants that don’t produce so we plant more than necessary but they’re all producing bumper crops. A good problem to have, but I’d hate for any of them to go to waste. We’ll probably freeze some, make sauce with others and can that and we might try

Aren’t “the girls” that they are worried about leaving alone both college age?

It was fine until The Penguin popped up. Having multiple bad guys divides time better spent developing a single bad guy or the hero. 

I’m in the reassembly phase of my milkshake making. I’m hoping it was the head gaskets since I’ve had the heads checked and they’re fine. If the milkshake returns it probably means the block is toast. It’s only a SBC but I’m not springing for a new engine in this economy. 

If those are similar to the green apples found on wild apple trees around my part of the PNW then I wouldn’t say that that they’re not good for eating. Just that you really have to like very sour things to truly appreciate them. REALLY sour. 

I was alive then too, though only eight when Nixon resigned. That’s the kind of phrase that sticks in your mind even if you were young when you heard it.

You were friends with Spiro Agnew?

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I’m sorry but if you’re going to stash some cheap beer in Walla Walla it should be Ranier not Hamms.

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That’s where my mind went too. It’s like the Victorians had Ed Sullivan.

I haven’t tried it but most of the reviews I’ve seen for Aviation have been pretty positive so if people try it because of the Ryan Reynolds they aren’t disappointed. That helps long term sales and helps grow the brand. If the conglomerate who bought them maintains the quality, and had the good sense to retain