
I watched the Knight Rider pilot a little while ago and for a campy kids show it was SLOW. Not as slow, and strangely serious, as the Six Million Dollar Man pilot but a lot different than I remembered.

when he flew into violent rages on screen, he was on top of the world.

The pandemic’s hidden victims: auto journalists. They are all going slowly (or not so slowly) insane. Except for Torch who lost it years ago.

I started my Freshman year of high school in 1979 so this would be my time. That’s actually why I’ve avoided watching this. It hits a very sensitive spot a little too exactly. I’ll probably break down and watch it but it’s going to take a lot to make me revisit those years. 

You’ll be hearing from Doug’s lawyers. Doing a quirks and features post is HIS shtick!

NP! This car is a money maker! Fire up the pressure washer, record yourself removing all of the grime from the body, post the video on YouTube, rack up the views from the freaks that seem to get off on that shit, rake in that sweet, sweet, Google money.*

He was an undrafted free agent who had to have everything go perfectly to even have hope to make the practice squad and he pulled this shit? His decision making skill just might be a little suspect.

When I was a kid we lived out in the boonies, and didn’t have any money, so we didn’t go to restaurants of any type very often but there is one trip to McDonalds that’s burned in to my memory. My dad had been laid off from his job and money was even tighter than normal so one night there was just nothing to eat for

Not one mention of SCTV in the post, even when mentioning Martin Short? For shame!

Now playing

Those must be some relatively old low-flow toilets. The ones we put in our house when we moved in a couple of years ago take care of business just fine.

Calling the Democrats radical leftists seems to be the only plan they have. It’s straight out of the 1968 playbook and the only history that they have shown any knowledge of. 

To be clear, I don’t live in Seattle I live on the other side of the state. Very little snow does shut the city down but the snow is usually wet and gets packed down to a sheet of ice. Plus, like I mentioned, Seattle has a lot of steep hills. Think San Francisco to get an idea. Add to that the lack of equipment and

This is my shocked face. It was the obvious choice. It’s not the choice that progressives might have wanted but Biden is obviously trying to blunt the Trump Law&Order narrative. Besides, when President Biden has a stroke, or is otherwise incapacitated, I think she would be a fine President. 

Seattle gets ice in the winter and has really steep hills. 

I saw a story yesterday that said they’re limited by the supply of polyester spunlace which, evidently, is the same stuff that they make N95 masks and medical gowns out of.

One might, but one shouldn’t. 

I really thought, or at least hoped, that with Les out Big Brother would be a goner. 

You really have to torture the meaning of “rich” to get to that statement. If you want to say that someone make $75k a year who buys a Miata is “rich” then be my guest but we both know it’s not the kind of wealth that we’re talking about here.

Sorry, a few cars bought by rich guys and stored in garages for years until they are wheeled out to Barrett-Jackson just do not matter in the grand scheme of things. Even of car things. Sure, it’s cool but that wasn’t what he said.

Outrage? Because I said it doesn’t matter? It’s a car that a few rich guys will put in their “museums” (which are strangely never open) and never drive. How does it matter? I’m not outraged, I just think these things are irrelevant.