
So, they were on a break? I really did not expect Will and Jada to be a latter day Ross and Rachel.

I love this movie. That last scene between Lonnie and Abdullah broke my heart even as a little boy.

Is it bad that I recognized the name Jonas Grumby instantly? Yeah, I think that’s bad.

Ever been in Orlando in the summer? Ninety degrees with 100% humidity. Imagine dealing with that while wearing a mask. Stay home, people. 

I’ve seen posts about how the wrecking yard stands, usually one vertical wheel welded to a horizontal one, are actually very strong and stable since it has a large base and no moving parts, but it still scares the crap out of me. 

The question is how expensive it is to produce. I’m guessing it’s too much for the Dodge cars and the Chrysler 300 would have to be moved up-market so I’m guessing it’s not coming to your local Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram dealer.

Probably the same reason that Indy, a professor, thought that a small bag of sand would weigh the same as a gold statue.

I won’t watch an autoplay video, but I’d say there are a few of things working against the 924 when it comes desirability. Since it was affordable back when good paying blue collar jobs were more widely available it was driven by working class folk which doesn’t fit the Porsche buyers image of themselves but it’s a

Irregardless is to regardless as inflammable is to flammable. That is, they mean the same damn thing. Why is irregardless wrong but inflammable is ok?

That sounds like FCA. Spend the money to develop a whole new engine that they’ll sell hundreds of while their American market cars are almost old enough to buy alcohol.

Sociologically interesting but not something I (an Old) have an emotional response to, not that it’s meant for my ears . The irony of the poppy music against the darker lyrics is interesting but it’s been done and all of the processing takes the humanity out of it for me.

To be fair, Hanks’s real life didn’t feature hookers, drugs and sex with donkeys. Belushi, on the other hand...

It amuses me to no end that the guy who starred in Bachelor Party which featured hookers, drugs, and attempted sex with a donkey (the donkey overdosed), is now considered “America’s Dad”.

The 70s disaster movies loved stacking their casts. I think they thought it gave them some legitimacy. 

Airport ‘77?

Feeling upbeat and happy? This movie will knock that shit right out of you. Great movie but it is definitely not light entertainment. 

My pineapple and I can’t wait!

He concluded that “the Democrat Party will be held captive by the most radical political mob in modern American history.

The scene in the Kellogg’s test kitchen:

Have you ever seen a picture of Eric Clapton? Well, this is what he did to his fairly straight hair in the late 60s.