That sounds like FCA. Spend the money to develop a whole new engine that they’ll sell hundreds of while their American market cars are almost old enough to buy alcohol.
That sounds like FCA. Spend the money to develop a whole new engine that they’ll sell hundreds of while their American market cars are almost old enough to buy alcohol.
Sociologically interesting but not something I (an Old) have an emotional response to, not that it’s meant for my ears . The irony of the poppy music against the darker lyrics is interesting but it’s been done and all of the processing takes the humanity out of it for me.
To be fair, Hanks’s real life didn’t feature hookers, drugs and sex with donkeys. Belushi, on the other hand...
It amuses me to no end that the guy who starred in Bachelor Party which featured hookers, drugs, and attempted sex with a donkey (the donkey overdosed), is now considered “America’s Dad”.
The 70s disaster movies loved stacking their casts. I think they thought it gave them some legitimacy.
Airport ‘77?
Feeling upbeat and happy? This movie will knock that shit right out of you. Great movie but it is definitely not light entertainment.
My pineapple and I can’t wait!
He concluded that “the Democrat Party will be held captive by the most radical political mob in modern American history.
Part of Spam’s problem is how it looks when you take it out of the can. That gelatinous goo isn’t all that appealing. Other than that it’s fine. Like you said, it’s better cooked than raw but it’s edible either way.
Hey Bradley, I know old American iron isn’t Jalopnik’s forte so just a quick note. A 383 Chevy is a stroker small block not a big block.
“American Simpleton Likes Shitbox, Is Idiot.”
I don’t think it was the horsepower, it was the number of cylinders that offended the type of buyer who would be interested in that nostalgia trip.
A Dagwood. Too big, too messy, mostly fictional.
When companies refer to employees as “team members” you can be sure that they are screwing them over.
In the military, the Navy in particular, the Kool-Aid type stuff they serve is called “bug juice” and the flavors are only referred to by color since those flavors do not exist in nature. Red was my favorite.
The Subaru swap in the VW redeems it. The idea of driving that from Canada to the American Southwest without the swap gives me hives. The idea of being stuck behind it in the mountains isn’t any better. Whatever he chooses I really hope it’s something that can maintain its speed in the mountains and not something…
YouTube videos are also a great resource, but be sure to read the comments and the rating to see if the person in the video is an idiot. My Camaro benefits from being old enough that the Chilton’s for it is fairly comprehensive but I still have the assembly manual, the Service Manual plus a couple of restoration…