
Krusty knows the truth.

Does adding almost 200hp without any brake or handling upgrades really sound like a good idea?

Shows the dust too much. Tan khakis don’t show the dust you roll around in. To be honest, where I work now I could wear shorts and flip flops but the last place strictly forbid denim whether in jeans or in shirts for all office employees. That was a trucking company. 

Personally, I will continue to wear the unofficial IT uniform, khakis and a polo. At least when I start going to the office every day again. It’s the closest you can get to jeans and a t-shirt and still look office appropriate. That’s important when your job includes crawling under desks or running cables or other

You seemed to have missed Mercury Cougar! Though I preferred the Mercury Capris.

Kind of, with less magic. Think The Da Vinci Code without the religious aspect. Lots of historical puzzles to solve to find the McGuffin.

As someone who lived through the 70s I’d rather not revisit them, but I would like to return to having wood cabinets look like wood cabinets. Why cover all of that nice maple in paint? Let it shine! Those that insist on white-on-white-on-white are just too chicken shit to pick a damn color.

Now playing

If you really want to relive MTV circa 1983/1984 all you have to do is watch the video of Yes’s Owner of a Lonely Heart on a never ending loop all day and all night. Here, let me get you started.

Or in the mountains ...

We’ll see. There are plenty of American trucks from the 40s and 50s still chugging along. 

Put an Olds engine in a Chevy? Kinky! You’d need a BOP pattern trans and there would be all the usual weird things that pop up but it might be fun.

You don’t think British Columbia, Canada gets cold?

Because I’m lazy. The 383 is a direct swap for the 305 so all of the accessories drives, engine mounts, etc. stay the same. It you put in a big block everything has to be modified. 

Sure, and if that’s what you want that would be a great, and cost effective, solution. Makes perfect sense. I was thinking something with great gobs of torque like the 383 would be fun and could even tow if desired. 

I was just mentioning to another poster that a 383 swap would make this car a lot of fun. You could even use it for towing if you’re so inclined.

If it were me I’d pull the 305 and put in a 383 stroker, beef up the rest of the drivetrain accordingly and then have some fun driving it. I’m not paying $8k for it, though.

It nearly always includes surface rust

I’m not a big fan of patina (or as the rest of the world refers to it “rust”) but it would be silly to repaint a 35 year old work truck. It’s just an honest work horse so let it be. It’s worlds better than those that spend a lot of money to make their cars look like rusty junk for whatever reason. And it was that sexy

My mother just gave us a bunch of sourdough bread, bagels and English muffins. The strange thing is that she’s retired and her schedule hasn’t changed much. She baked for enjoyment long before the pandemic, and was able to score ample yeast from a restaurant supply place, but this is her first foray in to sourdough. I

I don’t know that numbers matching is as important in the Jeep market, besides we all know you’ll never sell. Go with the already built engine but be sure they have the receipts for the rebuild so you’re sure what’s in the engine.