
Alanis who? Did she work here?

The inductees are all great musicians but the R&R HOF needs to change its name to Pop Music HOF or something because as great as Whitney Houston was she was not a rock singer. Big Mama Thornton, on the other hand, should damn well be in the R&RHOF. 

I still have one of the Panasonic commercial plasma monitors from that time frame. The colors and viewing angles are much better than the new 4k Samsung that we bought that it still amazes me when I use it. That’s why the Panasonic is still down in the basement where we watch when there are a lot of people over. 

A hair shirt is even cheaper and it doesn’t require so many pictures that it breaks Kinja even more than normal.

No, but everyone is different and it’s nice to acknowledge that. A manager I used to have had separate master bedrooms for the snoring reason given above. If it makes you feel better I’m with you and really some of the best communicating my spouse and I do is in bed before we go to sleep.

I’m thinking that by “technology company” he doesn’t mean upgrading the company’s tech. He means getting rid of employees and hiring “independent contractors” to do the same jobs for less pay and no benefits.

Now playing

If you like to see some variations you might like this.

I prefer Speysides to Islays like Laphroaig myself. The Islays have a medicinal taste that I don’t care for. 

I use the Costco branded version and it works well just like you said, but I will say that if I take if after a long time of not using it, or if I stop using it after a few days of use, that it can give me very vivid dreams.

Learn how to drink beer, smoke cigarettes (and other things), play with a poodle and generally be hilarious. Oh, and he does do some really interesting car stuff too! I’ve learned a lot of body work info from that channel.

Whatever evil the Boomers did and do, it doesn’t change the fact that Subterranean Homesick Blues kicks ass. 

I should not be questioning a genius anyway. 

Isn’t a martini made with pickled onions a Gibson?

So the powers that be have decided to foist autoplay videos on us once again, eh? Fucking imbeciles.

It’s fine if it’s a delay to your final destination. It’s when the delay means you miss your connection that it becomes a royal pain in the ass. 

Dr. Oldsmobile is disappointed in Jalopnik’s lack of knowledge.

It’s a Mini so (nominally) British and it’s the Knights Edition. I just got a flashback.

The project car isn’t really all that Jalop either. I mean, it is definitely a jalopy, but it’s a GM product not an obscure Eastern European car powered by turnip juice.

Sports cars are nice, but I already have a project car. I needed practical and all-weather.