The only one on that list that I’ve seen is the one you don’t know about, Wendy Woo: Homecoming Warrior. I don’t remember any specifics but I think it was a kind of an Asian Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie not the series).
The only one on that list that I’ve seen is the one you don’t know about, Wendy Woo: Homecoming Warrior. I don’t remember any specifics but I think it was a kind of an Asian Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie not the series).
New Oldsmobiles are in early!
Petit Le Mans is 10 hours not 24.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Three lefts do, though.
I’m with you, David, fix what needs to be fixed to get it on the road and then enjoy it while working on the other stuff when you can. It’s probably more inline with professional restoration to take it totally apart but when you’re working on it as a home project with a minimal budget that would mean the car sitting…
I hope you get everything out of this adventure that you’re looking for, and maybe a few things you’re not. Afterall, it’s the surprises that are usually the best thing about a trip. I could never be happy living like that but that doesn’t mean you won’t be. Bon voyage!
I didn’t think of if until I saw him fight with the boat engine then my thought went immediately to The African Queen. The rapids reminded me of that too, although both the boat and the rapids were smaller in that movie.
I had a minivan when I was single with no kids. I used it as a winter beater/hauler. That way the Mustang I had at the time could stay safely tucked away while the minivan dealt with winter driving plus I had something that I could use to haul stuff. That van moved me twice. Ironically it was getting married that made…
I feel the same way about Judy Greer. It seems like she should have had a bigger career than she has.
*Picture for illustration purposes only. Your radness level may vary.
And in my opinion the Capri looks better than the equivalent Mustang.
In the Navy they always had a sort of Kool-Aid drink with meals that was referred to as “bug juice”. Since their flavors in no way resembled anything anything found in nature they were referred to by color, not flavor.
Thank you for getting Stilton in there. I love it, but everyone that I know can’t get past the smell to even try it.
Back in the mid-90s we had an ice storm while I was at work. When we came out all of our cars were covered in a thick coating of ice. I needed to go up a steep road to get home, and was in a line of cars doing ok but then one lost momentum and the line came to a halt and that was the end of forward progress. The thing…
That is an excellent point.
Hillary got more votes than he did which is something his ego can not take so he will be running against her for the rest of his life.
James Caan played a sort of bumbling dude with a weird hat while Nelson played a gun slinger so I’d go with Ricky in that one isolated instance. Also, strangely enough, the movie with James Caan and Robert Mitchum was not as good as the same move with Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson. It doesn’t make any sense but it’s…
What about my diploma? Yeah, it does sort of resemble something you could buy off the internet.
And if you like a more humorous take on building your own harness (and much, much more) watch the Project Binky YouTube series.