“Hey Honey, I bet I can smuggle 200lbs of uncut cocaine into the USA”
“Hey Honey, I bet I can smuggle 200lbs of uncut cocaine into the USA”
The Simpsons was an animated television show that aired on FOX on Sundays at 8PM ET between 1989 and 1999. In all, 226, episodes aired.
Oh God, yes, Yes, YES!
So it’s an ill wind that blows some good, maybe? Yvette Nicole Brown is fantastic (or should that be super-fan tastic?) and TV gets a little less white.
I am disturbed by the fact that you, a cat, have learned to use Kinja.
I recall that, in the anime, the brain of the character was also implied to have been male. I haven’t seen the film adaptation yet (though tbh I keep meaning to because it looks gorgeous despite the casting controversy) but it sounds like they didn’t go too deep into that. Alas.
that plot point was just clearly after the fact attempting to justify the difference.
Upon finally watching Scarjo’s “Ghost in the Shell” (I skipped it in theaters), I noticed that in the storyline, the brain of her character was still Japanese, while the robot body “shell” was European looking. While there’s no excuse for this given the original Japanese source, I can see where Scarlet probably…
She beat an elderly man with a brick for no reason...I’ll take immigrants over homegrown assholes any day.
This was a good article, but while I was reading it all I kept thinking was, “What if Goldberg buys Jezebel and The Onion”?! I heard Univision was trying to unload the Gizmodo Media Group company as well as The Onion, and I’m genuinely worried about what would happen if he bought either or both.
Oddly enough, sub vs dub is a debate in Godzilla movie fandom as well. The general consensus is that the original 1954 “Gojira” subtitled is far superior to the dubbed and re-edited for the US “Godzilla, King of the Monsters”. But lots of the dubbed Godzilla films from the ‘60s and ‘70s have a special place in the…
So what if other cis actors have played trans people? Why is she being so fucking petulant, and refusing to take a principled stance about this? We (and Hollywood, I thought) are more sensitive to this issue now, and LISTEN to others’ experiences and views, there’s no excuse for this type of ignorant and offensive…
Her conventional attractiveness isn’t going to do anything for the role since it's going to have to be hidden under a ton of makeup and prosthetics. Johannson has yet to carry any movie to great success that didn’t have a gimmick to it that makes it unclear if her presence was the draw. From what I’ve read about this…
There are currently eight movies in this series, and the first two are still the only ones that are any good. How have people not caught on to this?
Dredd doesn’t suit the current mood. MegaCityOne’s Judges are far too fair compared to the US.
Yeah,yeah,yeah but Ghost in the Shell bombed so while your argument might explain why this is sometimes done it doesn’t explain why Johansson and Sanders are being given more money to burn by miscasting a lead role...again.
The weird thing about making movies is that they are expensive to make and the people who front the money for them expect to get the money back. Ideally with some extra money on top! That’s one of the reasons why some actors are paid more than others. They draw an audience to the box office! There’s a good chance that…
Bless your heart.
True, but you know how quick some of us are to whip out pedestals and cookout invites.
He doesn’t want your applause. He wants other white people to do the same thing. He’s saying and doing EXACTLY what needs to be said and done.