
In the middle of all this handwringing over your friend's consensual sexual activities,

You kids are doing it all wrong.

Thank you. You can believe this doctor is an unethical creep and also look askance at this woman's highly convenient story of being an abuse victim. She contacted him on FB, she exchanged months of consensual sexts with him, and this "harassment" story only emerged after her husband discovered the affair and

The last thing this girl needs is more internet articles where more and more people can rudely comment on her and her case. This a case where bringing attention to it may do more harm than good.

The weirdest thing about the tribute is that they showed it and then, after a commercial, showed all of the insane "highlights" from the new season—people crying, being dramatic, full of revenge, hysterical, etc. It was like the producers didn't see the instability connection.

There is no doubt in my mind that football coaches, even at the pro level, remain some of the most backwards and blockheaded people of the mentoring world, or that the undeniably mediocre Leslie Frazier and his staff have made many bad decisions for many bad reasons. But you'll have to excuse me if I am a little

You can indict the audience as much as you like, but that doesn't mean they aren't going to still go home and think that Jordan Belfort is a "bad ass." I mean, everyone still loves Walter White, Don Draper etc despite how much this media shows how "bad" they are. *shrug*

My question is — is this movie doing anything new? At this point, "white Wall Street conmen experience meteoric rise and disgraceful plummet, as accompanied by prostitutes and drugs; cause us to question our own social values" isn't new ground to tread. In a year where we had some pretty cool and unusual things

Regardless of how much one loves Tolkien, "more" is not synonymous with "better" where Peter Jackson's style is concerned these days.
I've already seen Desolation of Smaug, and all the added CGI action scene tomfoolery added to Smaug's underground dwarf-chase was not a welcome addition to Tolkien's material.

There's a good reason why that material was in an appendix, not in the main story.

"The majority of the additions that Jackson is adding to the story is designed to clear up all the unanswered questions that one would have when reading The Hobbit."

Because money, plain and simple. There is zero reason why this shouldn't have been one three hour movie. Or, at worst, two 2.5 hour movies if you really wanted to have details that match up seamlessly with the novel. This three movie nonsense is ridiculous, though.

You're framing "involvement" as a binary, all-or-nothing choice when it really isn't. There are some people who want to spend every second of their free time with their SO. There are also some people who are more independent and occasionally like to do things that don't involve their SO. Both things are fine. But the

Eh. To me, "needy" means "demanding a lot of your time." Basically, what I hear from my guy friends is, the kind of girl that gets annoyed if you don't meet a certain texting quota for the day, or whatever else. Which I actually kinda get, because I was in a relationship with someone who could be described as somewhat


This isn't even funny. It's unreadable. This is why editors exist.

It transitions from difficult to impossible to read right about the time you realize you just don't give enough of a shit about Rebecca Martinson to power through reading the whole thing. Amazingly, I made it all the way to about the 22nd or 23rd bullet point before remembering I don't care.

Good lord, the way this is written is completely unreadable.

I think you represent the majority. The kids who get drunk, flail around, get sick, and depend on one another to help their friends home and hold their heads if they have to. The poor girls in this story weren't so lucky in their acquaintances.