
Indeed - Validation is very important, but in the world of journalism, it sometimes needs to take a (temporary) backseat to clarification.

Yeah, there are some important chapters in US anime fandom that got passed over here. True, it was the rise of translated anime at video rental stores in the ‘90s that really brought it to the mainstream, but that overlooks dubbed TV anime that had been imported earlier. After the shows of the ‘60s ( Astro Boy,

All it will take is a CG Reptar to get my butt in that theater seat.

I’m gonna haul ass to Hullabalooza!

Upon finally watching Scarjo’s “Ghost in the Shell” (I skipped it in theaters), I noticed that in the storyline, the brain of her character was still Japanese, while the robot body “shell” was European looking. While there’s no excuse for this given the original Japanese source, I can see where Scarlet probably

Uh-oh Tom, they found Xenu!

Oddly enough, sub vs dub is a debate in Godzilla movie fandom as well. The general consensus is that the original 1954 “Gojira” subtitled is far superior to the dubbed and re-edited for the US “Godzilla, King of the Monsters”. But lots of the dubbed Godzilla films from the ‘60s and ‘70s have a special place in the

Fox News reports on any crimes or misbehaviors in California with an insane glee. Partly due to the stereotypical disdain conservatives have for the state, but mostly to troll suckers into the furious comment shitposts that are Fox’s bread-and-butter.

I’m pretty sure newer video releases cut out part of the weasel gangster’s dialogue when he tells Eddie to “Cut the bullshit”. This is unfortunate, and it reminds me of the similar video censoring of Spike’s random expletive “Oh, shit!” from the 1986 animated Transformers movie.

Sorry, I meant “orientation” but used the outdated term “preference” in error. My mistake.

The first episode will get big viewer numbers due to curiosity.  But regardless of quality,  I predict people will lose interest in the show quickly and it will tank.  

And with further regard to the time period of the mid-nineties— Reporting a news story in a way that could be clearly understood by the average reader of the time who was clueless about trans issues and terminology sort of required at least some of what would be called misgendering today. Most people just couldn’t or

Especially since intersex is not a sexual preference and asexual is a lack of sexual preference.  The “Q” is a pretty good summation of everything else, I’d agree. 

Everyone keeps forgetting about poor Maggie from “A Different World”

Indeed, I really want a blue/ yellow retro plate for my rally blue WRX (yes, it’s anachronistic, but I like the aesthetics, OK?).

Now playing

Wow, you must have made Titus sing all those terrible songs.

Additionally, Fred Rogers was very guarded with the image of his show regarding all his actors. Betty Aberlin (AKA Lady Aberlin on the show) had an opportunity to star in George Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead” (Romero had done some short films for Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood as a young film graduate), but Rogers

Whenever I read about Tom Cruise insisting on doing these stunts, my first thought is how sorry I feel for the stunt coordinators who have to no doubt deal with a much bigger pain in the ass monitoring and fretting over Tom’s vanity stunts than those done by actual professionals.

An interesting subset of this genre is films made by members of the LDS (Mormon) Church that are marketed using generic Christian terms in the hopes of drawing in an audience beyond that of devoted Mormons. Several of these can be found on Netflix and Amazon if you carefully read the descriptions and look for Mormon