Buffin’ the muffin
Buffin’ the muffin
The most baffling question I’m left with after reading this article is — Why would any self-respecting wax museum go to the trouble of making and displaying a wax statue of Kendall Jenner?
Perhaps Juliette will be inspired to rage against the Scientology machine a bit and snap out of her brainwashing.
The wedding invites will start coming again when your Millenial friends get divorced, then decide to remarry in a few years.
Your short comment casts a frightening light on what so much of Scientology is based on, which can mostly be summed up as “You deserve whatever bad things happen to you if you don’t do exactly as we say and keep giving us money.”
Eh — “groceries” is a weak simile.
In my opinion, he should be slowly skinned alive, like he has done to so many others. That would be true justice, but that rarely happens in the GoT world.
I’ve LITERALLY seen many designs that resemble that shape before, so I LITERALLY doubt the design is stolen.
I’m aging myself here, but I distinctly recall a news article from back in the days before the PG-13 rating bemoaning the uselessness of the then-current motion picture rating system. The example that was given was the overall inoffensiveness of the R-rated The Blue Lagoon versus the general filthiness of the PG-rated …
I certainly understand the reason why the Smiths are avoiding the Oscars, but I also still get the feeling that this is yet another instance of Will just going along with Jada to keep the peace, much like her frequent dabbling in Scientology.
Lots of private events place limitations on phone use to cut down on unauthorized pics.
They might have Photoshopped out the g-string, but at least they left that freckle/ mole on her bum.
I hope the whole movie isn't shaky found footage style, as Cloverfield covered that angle years ago.
As good a reason as any to leave behind the cognitive dissonance that so many educated, thoughtful Mormons feel about the backwards elements of their faith. Just walk away.
So shouldn’t the title of this article be: “Why Hitting on a Freshly Rejected Woman Doesn’t Work for Less-Attractive Men?”