I’m aging myself here, but I distinctly recall a news article from back in the days before the PG-13 rating bemoaning the uselessness of the then-current motion picture rating system. The example that was given was the overall inoffensiveness of the R-rated The Blue Lagoon versus the general filthiness of the PG-rated …
I certainly understand the reason why the Smiths are avoiding the Oscars, but I also still get the feeling that this is yet another instance of Will just going along with Jada to keep the peace, much like her frequent dabbling in Scientology.
Lots of private events place limitations on phone use to cut down on unauthorized pics.
They might have Photoshopped out the g-string, but at least they left that freckle/ mole on her bum.
I hope the whole movie isn't shaky found footage style, as Cloverfield covered that angle years ago.
As good a reason as any to leave behind the cognitive dissonance that so many educated, thoughtful Mormons feel about the backwards elements of their faith. Just walk away.
So shouldn’t the title of this article be: “Why Hitting on a Freshly Rejected Woman Doesn’t Work for Less-Attractive Men?”
Anyone working in the service industry should have realized years ago that the days of a relatively private meltdown, witnessed only by a few customers or staff, are over. As someone who’s worked in retail and at a coffee-serving bodega in the past, I can say that if you get to the point where you feel your life is…
Despite the questionable presence of the the big head/skinny body aesthetic in the Monster High fashion doll series, the refreshing presence of black, purple and other spooky, non-pink colors in its designs and packaging is a breath of fresh air in the all-pink ‘girls aisle’.
the portrayal of female ejaculation is being banned because it's being confused with urolagnia (urine sex acts)
Controversial Alien vs Predator opinion incoming: In retrospect, I don't really know if the Predator universe really compliments the Alien universe enough, or was ever actually even worthy of being integrated into it.
As a longtime viewer and fan of "The Soup" on E!, I can't help but wonder if Joel McHale and the writers might be feeling a bit awkward now for all the jokes they've made about "that weird lady in the background" of past episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians with regard to Bruce Jenner's seemingly eccentric…
For a less sickly-sweet option, try Jack Daniels Tennesee Fire.
the straight male obsession with lesbians, which is really gross and uncomfortable? Like, really uncomfortable?
I'll no doubt earn the ire of Transformers fans by saying this, but even as a kid, I was annoyed by the extra loose parts that were necessary to form TF combiners. The extra fists, hips and chest parts just annoyed me for some reason.
It definitely reviled even the most intense orgasm I've ever had