Exactly this. A local college in my city has a small, narrow, creepy walkway-tunnel that passes under some nearby railroad tracks. It has of course been called the "rape tunnel" by the students for years.
Exactly this. A local college in my city has a small, narrow, creepy walkway-tunnel that passes under some nearby railroad tracks. It has of course been called the "rape tunnel" by the students for years.
While seemingly harsh, this is a natural response to the often overly-theatrical enthusiasm one sees at such conventions. As a big SF/fantasy fan who has attended more than a few nerd-friendly gatherings, I also have to admit that there is a certain level of overdone unbridled attention-seeking that manifests itself…
Sir, those are fighting words. I will engage you in fisticuffs as soon as I'm done spooning this delicious Nutella into my face and if I can get my fat ass off the couch.
I'll bet her legs got tired from all the jumping in place she had to do for photos.
But then you get into the unfortunate intricacies of pre-, mid-, partial- or post-op status and what etiquette should surround the revelation of this admittedly very personal info when someone has not made it clear they are trans in the first place.
The early Microman/Micronauts vehicles of the 1970's were really more like interchangeable parts-formers instead of Transformers. Biotron and Microtron were cool looking of course, but it wasn't until the Micro-Change and Diaclone lines of the early '80s that we really got transforming robots from that particular…
Xiahn....so, "Shawn", basically?
Seriously. Getting extremely inflamed over stupid, abusive shit other anonymous people say on the internet is a big part of what fuels the psycho minority like these PUAHate guys.
Yes, very much this. Sometimes the line between "animalistic" and "furry" character art styles is a bit blurred, but it's often one of those know-it-when-you-see-it situations. A fantasy werewolf, were-cat, or yes, lizard-man character doesn't look the same as the cartoon-animal heads on overly sexy human bodies …
Cobb county does indeed suck, but fear not, there is an actual game bar in Atlanta (and not pseudo-suburbia Atlanta) in the form of Joystick Gamebar on Edgewood.
There's a spot for that on the hand-carved burl shelf above his scale-granite fireplace.
Of course. Everyone knows her decision to fuck/not fuck said guy is based on a combination of what kind of car he owns, what part of town he lives in, the size of his house/condo, where he buys his tailored suits and where he vacations each year. Dur.
Not just parents, but the whole concept of stumbling across other people's porn (OPP?), particularly people who I'm friends with is something I bend over backwards to avoid. I simply have NO interest in knowing what gets my friends' and relatives' motors running in the porn department. None.
Also typical is the dog interposing himself between the baby and the arriving parent. "No one gets hugs 'til I get petted!"
OK, so the Cali polygamists have their vacation homes in Utah.
Oh those sick old Utah polygamist pervs, chasing after young girls.
Now, now —- Bitchy Resting Face is a serious problem for many.
I'm glad to see that the famous (infamous?) Ultraman kaiju built from a Godzilla suit, Jirass, is represented. The closest fans ever got to see Godzilla fighting Ultraman was in the form of a Godzilla suit cobbled together from the 1964 and 1965 Godzilla movies with a big neck frill added to hide the seam. Classic…
Well, Cloverfield was just an attempt to show what a giant monster attack would be like for a few random people on the ground who had no idea what was going on. It succeeded admirably in that.