
Of course. Everyone knows her decision to fuck/not fuck said guy is based on a combination of what kind of car he owns, what part of town he lives in, the size of his house/condo, where he buys his tailored suits and where he vacations each year. Dur.

Not just parents, but the whole concept of stumbling across other people's porn (OPP?), particularly people who I'm friends with is something I bend over backwards to avoid. I simply have NO interest in knowing what gets my friends' and relatives' motors running in the porn department. None.

Also typical is the dog interposing himself between the baby and the arriving parent. "No one gets hugs 'til I get petted!"

OK, so the Cali polygamists have their vacation homes in Utah.

Oh those sick old Utah polygamist pervs, chasing after young girls.

Now playing

Now, now —- Bitchy Resting Face is a serious problem for many.

I'm glad to see that the famous (infamous?) Ultraman kaiju built from a Godzilla suit, Jirass, is represented. The closest fans ever got to see Godzilla fighting Ultraman was in the form of a Godzilla suit cobbled together from the 1964 and 1965 Godzilla movies with a big neck frill added to hide the seam. Classic


Well, Cloverfield was just an attempt to show what a giant monster attack would be like for a few random people on the ground who had no idea what was going on. It succeeded admirably in that.

From the makers of "Sharknado" comes the next sci-fi disaster movie: DOG SWARM !

"Bitchery" was a very poor choice of words, regardless. Even if one were to raise the question of whether a Twitter post was the best venue to make a public comment about one's child being molested, there's much less inflammatory rhetoric available to touch on that point.

I would have assumed Stephen King's tweet was referring to Mia Farrow's initial tweets during the Golden Globes with the "bitchery" comment, as opposed to Dylan's article.

Or flogging the bishop, for that matter.

in 2014, the Haves wear bowties with short sleeved button down shirts and post pictures of their adopted three legged cat "Atticus" to Instagram while they wait for their daily webinar to start

Regardless of how much one loves Tolkien, "more" is not synonymous with "better" where Peter Jackson's style is concerned these days.
I've already seen Desolation of Smaug, and all the added CGI action scene tomfoolery added to Smaug's underground dwarf-chase was not a welcome addition to Tolkien's material.

Keep an eye out for the ground-breaking follow-up study: "Women prefer wealthier husbands"!

Keep an eye out for the ground-breaking follow-up study: "Women prefer wealthier husbands"!

And if you're male, you get the bonus of footing the bill for the aforementioned three hours of torture.
(can of worms = opened)

Bebop is definitely one of the best space westerns, but there were plenty that came before it, including Bismark, aka Saber Rider.