
Precisely. And this is why, as so many including myself have already stated, the actual World War Z story needs to be told as a big-budget mini-series and not a single movie. The one caveat is whether or not a TV budget could ever do the epic global war scenes justice.

Yeah, there's a notable lack of neuroscientists in this collection. Maybe they're just not rock-n-roll enough to merit action figure status.

Unlike the Very Large Telescope, which gets the point across quite efficiently.


Actually, there is no solid evidence that Leonardo was either straight or gay. He never married, and seemed to have a dim view of sexual activity in general. Leonardo and three other men were anonymously accused of sodomy with a male prostitute in 1476 but the charges were dropped due to lack of proof and the

OK, that's much better. Even if it is the Jupiter 2 from the forgettable movie instead of the TV series.

"J" should have been the Jupiter 2 from Lost in Space instead of the Transformer Jetfire, who is just a recycled version of the Valkyrie robot from Macross/Robotech.

We're making The Bloop angry.

Plus, OSEA sounds much less dorky than NURP when you say it out loud.

I will never forgive that damn Square-Cube Law for ruining Godzilla movies for me.

I'm glad that Pixar is creating the branding and image recognition for the concept of "Monster University" before Mattel jumped on the idea as a logical continuation of their "Monster High" doll franchise.

Actually, according to Wikipedia, attendance at the 2011 Dragon*Con was estimated at over 46,000, while the last SW Celebration (2010) attendance was estimated at 32,000. So it seems Dragon*Con is bigger.

So how would it fare against volcanic eruption and the ensuing lava flow?

The God-Soldiers look pretty cool in this clip, but I'm not really feeling the depiction of modern-day Japan in the context of the "Seven Days of Fire" described in Nausicaa. The actual time frame of when the disaster happened was left ambiguous in the movie. Nausicaa's story doesn't really need flashbacks to the

After the third Hobbit film is released in digital format, let me know when some enterprising editor snips out all the extra, bloated material from the series and creates a drastically shorter version that is just the actual story of "The Hobbit". Thanks.

Too much turtle sex in one week. I'm still psychologically scarred by the hyper-detailed article on turtle penises from a couple days ago.

So apparently draping some fiberglass insulation over the hood of a truck will hide its heat signature for a certain amount of time. Well...OK, but how about the hot exhaust that constantly emits from the vehicle the moment it starts? Kind of hard to stifle that heat source.

"Look at you...How are you, cutie? What parent forced you to do this?" — Triumph the Insult Comic Dog

Well, here's proof we never have to worry about a zombie virus spreading out of control. The first thing that ever remotely resembles a zombie attack gets spread all over various blog sites and social media right away. So much for people being kept in the dark until it's too late, as seen in "World War Z". We