Well then, you know nothing Jon Snow.
Well then, you know nothing Jon Snow.
Errr...what the...? I don't even...arrgh!
*Sigh* I basically agreed with you on everything but your suggestion that the triggers on the 360 controllers are useless. I assumed you made a mistake since there is pretty much a consensus that the useless ones are the Dualshock 3's triggers. I hope you feel pretty clever now that you've proven that you're smarter…
Lol! So true.
So how then can we classify gamers with passion on our level? Or do you not see any need to classify? You know, just because my grandmother has a thing for bejeweled doesn't necessarily make me and her the same kind of gamer.
This! I swear some people's way of thinking just confuses the shit out of me.
The triggers on the 360 controllers are nearly useless? This is news to me. Well, unless you mistakenly typed in "360" in the place of "ps3." But apart from that I'll take the ps3's symmetric design over the 360's any day.
Good luck reaching that Dpad!
In my opinion, it was a good controller at that time. And believe me, all the blind Nintendo love has been washed out of my face.
Yeah, that makes sense, I guess. So I'll keep that in mind next time I meet a female geek who I'm attracted to which so far has happened zero times. :/
Why? What's wrong with showing that you're surprised when you actually are surprised? Why are you expected to fake the funk?
Either way, it doesn't sound too far-fetched to me.
So the seed really is strong, I see.
Poor dead guy. :(
And yet it all comes back around. Nintendo released their own version of the dualshock....well, of course they didn't name it the dualshock though. And where was everybody when Nintendo released the knob similar to psp's on the 3ds?
Yes we are, brother....yes we are. And thanks too. We need more people like you who won't bend over easily to get fucked by these companies.
Lol! I knew there had to be a good reason why I hearted you. Lmao!!!
...ooor they could just have released the whole game and ceased their nickel and diming schemes.
Random question. How would you mix up the supers with only 2 shoulder buttons? I used to play this game on my ps2 but remember being frustrated when I tried to play it on NGC.
This is actually a brilliant idea. Except Nintendo doesn't listen to anyone who's not Nintendo.