
"Part of me does like the simplicity of it all, with nothing to own and no time spent downloading anything."

If this were true, that means they're going either with digital downloads or SSD. Digital downloads for ALL their games is pretty much impossible because it cuts down their potential customers by what I would guess is a rather substantial amount because believe it or not, even in America, it's not all their

Yeah right, most women are only a little less repulsed to it than most straight men are.

Good to see people opening their eyes. Voice your outrage, more importantly though, vote with your wallet. I know I will. Definitely not buying this. It's funny how they admitted that this is to prevent the need for a "super" version. So basically, the disc consists of the super version, you just have to pay

True. I don't even know how it works with that. I got that trophy before AE was released. But if I were to guess though, I'll think that you should be able to mix and match and C probably won't be required for the newly added characters in AE.

For the trophies counting towards the platinum, I believe you only need to do Batman's challenges.

Lol! That trophy wasn't that bad. Kind of a grind though, but it also helps you get familiar with all the characters. Got a plat in both SFIV and SSFIV.

Dude, just read up on it. I think if you had a better understanding of how the combo system worked, you would be able to do it.

You got bored of the combat ones? I friggin loooove the combat challenges. I feel badass whenever I play those. The predator ones, I don't enjoy too much. I already plat Arkham Asylum and only have one trophy left for Arkham City.

Yeah, I also remember when it was confirmed that SSFIV will be the definitive version of SFIV. Oh Capcom, how reliable thy words are!

I like Obama, I like Ron Paul. I think Ron Paul is full of less "shit" than Obama. Obama is full of less "shit" than most Republicans. I'm voting Obama. :)

Nope! Like it was written, you should turn the other cheek.

Yup! Definitely a better analogy.

But walking a full mile with your hands SHOULD be bragged about. That's impressive. Am I alone on that thought?

Lmao! But what if it just uses it to recharge the batteries?

So you need to buy the Collector's Edition to validate you as a "loyal fan?"

Uhm...sooo what features exactly did they rip from you?

....except a slave can't really like just, you know, up and quit. Bad analogy. I know what you're trying to say though. :)

Amazing insight!

Yes, I myself have never bought ANY DLC either out of principle but it still remains true that gamers in general, of which group we are members of whether we like it or not, patronize these cash grabbing ventures.