I don't understand.
I don't understand.
It's Sony folks. No surprises here.
Are you being sarcastic? Or you just don't know what you're talking about?
Who says they aren't complaining? Look and you will see. I expect them to follow with this course of action as well. It's unfortunate, but understandable from my perspective.
Well, It could be argued that that money helps them keep their jobs. Studios have been dissolved due to insufficient sales.
I don't think they are "legally" required.
If it couldn't be shared across accounts like other downloadable stuff, I think we might have just found the first legitimate complaint about this. And I won't want anyone but me playing on my account.
Uhm...er...to be quite honest, I didn't understand most of what you wrote. And believe me, I could easily and justifiably be accused of being cheap after all I'm one of a few who are adamantly against nickel and dyming practices like DLC's, but even I, buy my games new. Do you know why? It's my way of supporting…
....ooor it's just quite possible that you're deficient of the ability to discern "good taste." :)
Wait what? For multiconsole games, the 360 version usually looks better even if not by much.
While I agree with your prediction that interest for the Vita will wane off just as it did for the 3DS, I have to disagree with your assertion that Sony would be making a profit with the Vita. While it is well known that Sony overcharges for their products, it is also well known that their consoles are initially sold…
wtf? You're the one who provided the analogy. I'm just helping you see the holes in it.
it's not wholly true that you can't transport your DLC for both consoles. But it is, that with a disc, you won't need to.
Except your car is just as drive-able the day the new version comes out as it was the previous day. Not so for playing SFIV online when a newer version comes out. It pretty much renders it useless. So you see, the one thing even more ridiculous here is your analogy.
Discs over DLC. It's actually cheaper buying on the discs than DLC. While I wised up to capcom's schemes at the release of SSFIV arcade edition, I'll still gladly choose discs where I'm free to carry all my characters in, to play at a friend's, rather than buy DLC where the characters can only be used on my…
"most people do not watch more than 8 movies a month." What a thing to aver! You better have some study to back that up.
Yup! Same here. I love the Gears series.
I owned the game. I thought it sucked.
I don't know what it is but I'm finding it tough to play through the second game a second time. And I bought Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden Sigma and played through all of them at the very least, thrice.