
This one appeared deliberate.

Block him. He's a troll.

Good point, great album. But Patton was not the real lead there, and not overly hip hop the way he was on Peeping Tom.

I'm listening to it for the first time. The song is fucking dreadful. The lyrics are so bad, I think even KISS would blush. WTF happened to the these guys?

Mike Patton's side projects are very hit-or-miss for me. This is eh. I'm just not very moved by it. I'd love for him to do another Fantomas record. Or even better, since he and Trey Spruance patched things up, maybe something with him. It doesn't have to be a Mr Bungle album (though that would be amazeballs), but I

Yeah. Then there was the whole "funny bit" where Araya photoshopped the band with Trump like they were pals. NEXT!

Oddfellows was a definite dud. I think I liked maybe one track on that one. The previous three albums I enjoyed the hell out of. However, I saw Tomahawk when they toured off it, and they sounded great, and the album did sound better live. I do think though that that project has run its course.

I listened to the Peeping Tom album several months ago. It hasn't aged well at all. It was like Patton's Chinese Democracy. It just gestated too long. I also can't stand when he does hip-hop. It doesn't work for him. I don't love the Dead Cross stuff, but it's definitely more his wheelhouse.

You nailed it! The opening song was great, and the score was solid. The rest was a long, forgettable fart.

Here goes:

It came out almost three years ago, and this is the first thread I've seen about it. So, no, it's not memorable at all.

I hated it. Perhaps it's my Pynchon ignorance, but I sat there blank-faced through almost the whole thing. I thought Punch-Drunk Love was much funnier. He made Adam Sandler, whom I despise, tolerable.

I love most of PTA's work (There Will Be Blood, The Master and Boogie Nights being my favorites) but Inherent Vice was a huge miss and a big disappointment for me. It was unfunny and fucking boring. I find funnier stuff on network TV. Hoping the next one with Daniel Day rights the ship.

When it was first announced that Lynch would be directing all episodes and that there would be 18 hour long episodes, I knew that it would not only be both wonderful and strange, but both heralded and divisive. I can't think of a Lynch work that wasn't both when it was first released. Maybe The Elephant Man?

So you enjoyed the James motorcycle road rip story, Ben as a Confederate general, and Nadine as a superhuman cheerleader more than anything in S3? Got it.

I'm hoping Lil will turnip.

There's no way there's going to be a S4. Maybe a movie, though doubtful considering Lynch's current disdain for the medium. Considering how long it took to get this season funded, filmed, edited (I think it was first announced in 2014), I just don't see it "happening again".

@realDonaldTrump, is that you??

Why are you still watching?

I suspect he does. I think the opening scene in season one where he is talking to The Giant (or ???????) and the whole "Richard and Linda, two birds with one stone" talk is actually the future/flash forward. However, it may not be until the last couple episodes, if not the end.