
I sincerely hope my live in girlfriend does not read this helplessly boring list

I’m an older woman and one striking thing I see in both the Jezebellian commenters (whom I really do love, and love reading) and the white liberal male “Bernie Bros” they disparage is a shared need for ideological purity. I wish they could see how similar they can appear with their argumentation styles.

I have to completely agree with you. I watch it happening, and every time I tried to suggest something outside the bubble, I was shouted down.

The comment section here is fallout from the smug assuredness of a Clinton victory... months of jerking off about how “we’re finally getting the first female president guys!” that has left everyone dumbfounded as to how it could have possibly go wrong. So they cling to the identity politics and decide that the only

I agree. Clinton wasn’t a bad candidate, but she certainly wasn’t populist and her campaign team was comprised entirely of idiots.

Which person said “focus exclusively on white men next time”? No one.


Hillary Clinton was a shitty candidate who ran a victory lap instead of a campaign. There can be no fixing the Democratic Party until we are all on the same page about why she lost.

Hillary Clinton did not go to Wisconsin once. She basically took the whole month of August off to do fundraisers. President Obama, who won two Presidential elections, was right on the money when he brought up how getting out and meeting people is what won him those races. Hillary lost and it’s her own damn fault.

Yeah, I’ve read absolutely nothing that says that we should stop worrying about social progress and instead focus solely on economic realities. I’ve been reading some great social science that talks about how we need to extend our definition of what makes people American vs “other.” Which means, it is in fact possible

Yeah, this is what blows my mind. Obama literally did this twice, and it worked. He got all classes behind him. And yet these DNC liberal goons are appopleptic at the thought of repeating that success.

Yeah. I’m pretty over the wagon-circling and doubling down on tribal politics in the fall out of all of this, tbh. I don’t get why admitting that things could’ve been done differently somehow negates the very real sexism and double standards she faced during this campaign. Both things can be true my friends! Hillary

Each day I’m more and more convinced that the commenters on Jezebel have never met anyone that isn’t like them (except their uncle or in-laws that they hate). The inability to grasp we lost is astonishing. The majority of people don’t find identity politics appealing. Most people vote for what they perceive to be the

If by ‘white guys’ you include the 53% of white female voters for Trump, I’m with you.

“You tanked her and Obama’s platform with Bernie’s education plan for your dogwhistle bullshit.”

an education plan so bad they adopted part of it into the party platform!

It appears we have a misunderstanding.

Hillary did not lose because of Bernie’s education plan.

interesting, i hadn’t heard that. who was saying we should abandon pushing for equal rights and police reform?

I don’t see Ellison at the top pick for DNC chair as indicative of this at all. You may be listening to Bernie too much but there are much better voices out there :)