Oh what, you think Ima idiot? “Oddly enough” Fuck outta here
Oh what, you think Ima idiot? “Oddly enough” Fuck outta here
Yeah well patriarchy culture exists in courts too.
Yeah and what exactly is wrong with strip clubs? We stripper shaming again?
Well one was given a billion dollars [funny enough still not equal pay] and the other was given the boot so which one you gonna believe? The white billionaire or the POC woman who saw the real culture of tech bros?
Don’t worry Hill’s got this one too. I’d be afraid if I was a Bernie Bro working in tech.
Bunch of Bernie Frat Bros pissed off already and know their getting the double bitch slap with Ellen Pao outing them all as actual misogynists not just the theoretical “Won’t Vote For A Woman” type that we already know they are.
don’t even
White people shouldn’t say “woke.”