
I fail to understand your logic. They should have disable it only for kids? If you're trying to imply they should have put some kind of age restrinction on the app, the app was ALREADY age-restricted. Parents just seem to not address this.

Monster Manor is so original it needs to be played to be properly explained. Part Find Mii, part RPG, part Layton, part Tetris (!)...

That comic book store is awesome. I wish I had a comic book store like that one in my neck of the woods.

Great mullet.

Please SquareEnix, make a Theatrhythm with other SquareEnix JRPGs, like Xenogears, Vagrant Story etc. and then shut up and take my money.

The graphics of the original game is so beautiful and "eternal", making this game almost useless.
(Already preordered mine tho)

Actually, there are 125 kits!

"Xerox, the best company ever for Apple haters, since 1906".

In the pre-internet era, she would be fired for sure.

Seems very beautiful to watch, but its gameplay reminds me of LBP, and I didn't like it too much. Gonna try the demo, though.

I hope they ditch the stupid memory card proprietary method for new Vita revisions. I know they probably won't, but—

In the manga, the 2020 Olympic games are the 30th because 2 editions were cut due to the Third World War.

ZERO japanese games...?

I don't know in your neck of the woods, but here in Italy Gamestop (and especially, its clerks) is the worst thing ever. The only serious reason to go there is for preorder exclusive bonus.

I don't know if just a cute art style could make a game "for kids".
Actually, when pikmins get eaten by the foes, it is a rather disturbingly moment, at the beginning! Their lament of death, combined with their cuteness and vivacity... :(

Actually Gen is considered pretty strong, A+ in tier list.

Japanese market irrelevant...? -_-

I realized only now it is the GC Smash Bros. and not the Wii one! I liked Brawl more, but maybe yes, Melee is better for a tournament.

This is why we can't have pretty things :(

And it's sold!