In english, DS is not a console? In my mothertongue language, we use "console" for both portables and home systems. Sometimes we add "portable" near "console".
In english, DS is not a console? In my mothertongue language, we use "console" for both portables and home systems. Sometimes we add "portable" near "console".
Here it's more a "2013" game...
Ok let's judge everything from objective standpoint, then. Please explain your main comment only using objective datas. Thank you.
For me "mature" and "PC" together mean eroge.
I understand it's stupid, I didn't say I'm ok with that. I'm saying, the law applies to german servers, so of course it's not Nintendo fault. Maybe they need to make little changes to the law, but Nintendo is not in german congress.
"Their" (fake) Twitter account disappeared today, infact. Not the 2 Joakim profiles so far, by the way.
I really don't understand why you blame Nintendo for this...
Do you understand his reply? The law applies to the servers which you're dowloading stuff from. Where the data is streamed from.
Why cowbell sound but no Yoshi...!?!??
This is a proof: from lot of work, usually comes great work. One Piece is actually #1 manga in Japan, and probably in the world.
My same thoughts exactly. Only reason could be they just forgot it. They probably didn't play it on the train for about 3 years straight every day, with tons of fun, like me.
Thank you guys, from me and Akiman :)
One plus one is three.
The major flaw of this game is you need both your hands at the same time to play it.
You're joking, right...? "If not more"...
Jessica Chobot is famous in the US? She's an hot girl for sure, but really, she's to videogames what a fish is to bycicles.
I used to like her, after following her on Twitter I discovered how much useless she is (from a videogame standpoint!).
Is this a first time ever in the world...? An unboxing of a major console from the president of the company that made it?
I am probably the only one in the world to have never owned a single one of all those stuff...