How it can be 200$? Be serious. Quoting Kotaku user @gurfinki
How it can be 200$? Be serious. Quoting Kotaku user @gurfinki
And Wii U exact launch lineup hadn't been announced yet. But it's already worse than SS one, incredible.
Don't you ever think, maybe, that sometime things could cost for how much they cost to produce/for what they have, instead of just they have to cost because you decide everything in the Wii U isn't enough for you to like it?
Vita-current gen-250$
The game video is played on a iPad, but the game itself is for iPhone, hence the "1x" in the down right.
Wii U will not have the "revolutionary" and immediacy of the original Wii, but it will be a more games-oriented console, compared to Wii. Good news for us, maybe.
Maybe the only real shovelware shown was Just Dance.
Again, shovelware doesn't mean "games I don't like and I'll never play".
Metal Gear Bayonetta
You know you're comparing a PC browser to 3 console browsers?
Iwata was the Nintendo spokesperson himself...?!?
Home is a Second Life kind of, this is an OS with serious social integration. How can you compare an OS with a social online community/avatar experience, a sluggish and boring one, too.
Actually, it will be available at launch, only PC/smartphones/3DS etc. support won't. The article has been updated.
Lot of other comments pointed out this... it's incredible Kotaku's still not correcting an article about a very important Wii U feature, almost 3 hours later.
Of course you don't play fighting games with it.
Last year I visited Tokyo and I personally contacted Mr. Sakagami, who makes the event every year in Meteor store. But I think it's much more easy than that: just check Famicase site around mid-february/march, when new edition announcement is posted, then apply online!
Yep, I was lucky enough to join one of the coolest exhibition around! :)
In pic no. 5, my entry: Super Mosaic Maker! :D
Oh, that's how nipples are on a Game Boy. Still nice, tho.
Sorry for double posting, problems with Kotaku photo url system...