
My first entry. Please be nice :)

I don't know. Maybe the DC2 would be something similar to Xboxes, but probably games on it would be different from games on Xboxes. Probably we would play Shenmue 3 and Jet Set Radio 2 on it... :(

Good ol' times. When Sega was Sega and Nintendo was Nintendo.

Hudson's games were cancelled due to Konami's acquisition. It has nothing to do with other cancellations.

By the way, actually MegaDrive's region locking was not a real region locking: it was just the carts shape to be a bit different, so a japanese cart would not fit in a Genesis and an american cart would not fit in a MegaDrive.

Yeah, but with free shipping.

This reminds me of the Sakura Taisen cafè that used to be in Tokyo. Very nice, I went there in 2007, unfortunately the year after it was closed forever :(

Maybe Capcom with Resident Evil on 3DS was inspired by this.

Yep, but since Captain Tsubasa with Japan in the manga won World Cup like 37 times but in reality it never happened (best chance in 2002, in Japan, they could reach easy quarter-finals with Senegal beating the not-impossible-to-beat Turkey and they failed), this time Japan won, like in the manga and anime.


That's why companies like Bandai and Namco joined together.

That's great... the only missing card is a Chris Houlihan one.

Are you from US..?

Like in Twilight Princess Wii version, Link is right-handed, since you control Wiimote with your right hand. In other Zeldas you don't play on Wii, Link is still left-handed (like in Twilight Princess GameCube version).

"Rhythm game"->"repetetive". Every one. But still, fun, at least lot of them.

Never seen that Mai Shiranui one. Is it a new product..?

Yep, but, realistically it could happen, right..?

I wonder if a english version will be produced as well.

Yep I play games from more than 20 years, so yeah, I do have PC-Engine (Core Graphx), WonderSwan, etc... don't own a 32X because it was so shitty even for me (and I used to be a Sega fanboy as a teen!).