Together Alone

This is a non issue. Hes an evil mad man and this costume does not represent the state of mental health in our world. All the characters in Overwatch are stereotypes. Except Winston and Hammond because im not sure how you stereotype a hamster and a gorilla.


I cannot objectively nor subjectively find the combat system of XIII to be at least pleasing...
A race against time for having the skill of selecting menu choices and paradigm shifts while auto attacking.
At least with a gambit system similar to XII’s, it could’ve become a deep and satisfying combat system.

Downgrade? Are we looking at the same thing? I’d say it’s an improvement. I think her face looks a bit squashed in the newer version though :/

I’ve played all the expansions, some less so than others. I actually appreciate the lack of flying for the first few months of the expansion. Part of the fun of a game like WoW is discovering something for the first time, exploring new zones, or coming across some neatly tucked away pseudo-easter egg that a developer