
Not elephantitis. Elite/Brute hybrids.

But will Cortana toy resemble the Cortana in the box art?

They look like the Halo Wars Elites. Which I don't mind. I like the bulk.

haha, I wish! More time to study.

Soo close. I have no idea what game I'm going to launch when I'm out.

So has it been confirmed yet that ALL pokemon have an alt form? At least one? Can't wait for Gen VI.

It was turned sideways.


Is that a L4D medkit on Ghost's back?

I found the problem, you forgot to throw C4 on the hood.

There was this one girl who liked to send me 20 texts in a row. I would respond to one and she would move on to some other thing in the next 20 messages. It was really hard to communicate with this girl.

Examples please! For research purposes. >.>

Eww, is that a mole? Gross. Would not tap.

Do you think the Wii U controller is the hip, younger brother of the Dreamcast VMU? I think so.

Unless you are on PS3, you don't hear whining there because no one has a mic. =P

"No excuses, no distractions, no whining..."

Make a masturbating gesture with your hand and presto, your porn bookmarks open in another tab!

Today is the first day of my finals. I was worried a week ago, but I've been studying my ass off and now I really feel confident. Tutors and professors that offer their free time to help are awesome!

Yay, I love watching these vids. Chopper streak is still my fav.

I don't care about the mediocre ratings this game received, I would love 1313 to be close to Mace Griffin. Even traveling in your ship from one mission to the next was fun.