
Its okay, they're Cena fans.

I play WwF with family? Does this mean I should stop playing?

Does that sign say "New! Bras"?

Ewww, that's his sister.

i want to play a round of Domination with Cops vs Occupiers.

That's some diabolical genius.

Like Harlekin mentioned, friends may be involved. Or fake names.

Is it probable Taco Bell employees have been using the codes?

She gave him crabs. Black eyes and cuts heal, but crabs last forever.

As always, Sonic needs a plumber to save him.

The toy series is called Halo Universe.

Chief couldn't aim well with the other shoulder pads. So he threw them away. This is the plot device they'll use to introduce iron sights into Halo.

Oh god I remember the first spartan armor in the books. It was connected with wires to a generator or something just to power the thing up.

The helmet is a lot smoother. I'm hoping its Forerunner tech which grant Chief new abilities. I stopped caring about canon in Halo after 2.

That trooper looks interesting. Never was a fan of those sewn cloth robes on figures though. I had a Vader fig with a plastic cape that was done perfect.

Here's the suit from a different angle.

I was thinking the same thing. With Forerunner tech, maybe his shield will be as strong as an Overshield.

Title correction, "Why The Future Of Gaming Might Be More Expensive." =D

Envornment? Fine, Ringworld. =P

Yea, I also believe if there is a second 3DS in the making it won't be coming out this year. We should have heard an announcement, or at the very least a rumor, by now. Although, if Nintendo pulls a stunt like how MS did with the slim 360 at E3 that would be amazing.