
I hope people stampede for this thing at CES like they did for the original Wii. Awesome video.

No but I saw the Simpsons xxx. It was spot on.

I'll have to spend the token on something else. I hit 10th prestige last week.

I think it was 2 part episode. Freaked me out as a kid.

That's the worst part about Halo. I played with Halo girl clans so I feel ya. Since the dashboard update with the party feature I haven't used game chat except when forced to (CoD).

My first system that I could call my own was a N64. I got the clear green N64 with Donkey Kong 64 for Christmas. I had plenty of games but I didn't let go of that game for months.

I've already posted this in a past Kotaku article but I'll post it again. During the Halo 2 days I made a sub account named Freaky Girl. I wouldn't talk at all. I was constantly spammed with messages ranging from "show me ur tits" to "ur pretty gud 4 a girl now show me ur tits." In game was worse though. Players

I love this


Wheres the pic of Michael eating popcorn in the theater?

Disgaea 4 is awesome.

List them. I need new games to play.

When you find your PSP, send it this way. I'll give it life again. :)

Ease up on the name calling. You seemed to have confused "dominate" and "best." Partially my fault. What I meant was western games are selling a lot more than Japanese games. Pokemon, Mario, Wii Sports, and Zelda are games that come to mind that have sold really high. But I don't think there are too many games from

We don't see them anymore because in this gen, Western games have dominated the market. Some Japanese companies have even outsourced game development to the West. And of course, non-Japanese want to see their hero as the bulky heavily armored big gunned mute barbarian.

O.O How did I miss this episode?

Not sure if you're being sarcastic but I really thought it was good. (too?)

The Mayans predicted CHANGE not the END of the world. There is no event like the Apocalypse or something related to the Bible in any of their written texts.

Where do the Zelda CD-i games go? Guess they have to redo this.

It was sarcasm. I was in one of the weekend betas. Pretty amazing preview.