
Lol, Florida. Oh well, I can make it work. Got yourself a street corner, a pier AND a bunch of condos near a marina? Truly, you’ve died and gone to heaven.

Perfect, so that’s how we meet. Still no word on that pet name?

Hmm homogeneous neighbourhood, that’s good adds to the taboo and risqué nature of the tryst. I could be in area as a trades person, though that’s really entering “letters to penthouse” territory

Well until you tell me what city or state you live in its hard to say. What city and state do you live in? Where do you got to eat when you’receive waiting for your soylent to arrive?

Wait wait, there are a few more things I need! What’s her scent? What’s her favourite season? Have you ever made love in the shower? Does she only date mentally unhinged, “succesful” men or would she blow any alt-right weirdo if they screamed loud enough? Does it bother you that you could never attract anyone based

How many storeystorey is your house? Which direction does the bedroom window face. I’m thinking the love scene should take place at dusk with curtains drawn wide. Is there a fireplace in your bedroom? It doesn’t matter if there isn’t, I think the scene calls for it, right?

OK on that salary, what sort of restaurants does your wife like? Like say theoretically..... I was to take her out, what sort of food does she like. Also I need to know what her style is? Despite the fact that we spend most our time in the nude, I’m crafting a scene in which I slowly undress her, and feed her morsels

OK now next, what’s her hair like? Would you describe it as silky? Her figure? Does she have a nickname that she prefers during coitus?

Well if we’re being literal, the European, Judeo-Christian concept of marriage is in indeed a “foreign” concept to African peoples. Sick burn.

Have you ever been to a Tony Robbins seminar? He’s got this thing called “actualizing you potential” in which you just say something over and over until it becomes true. So like, you desperately need me to believe that you’re a successful owner of a company, who likes to talk about purses with strangers on the

What does your company deal in? Stock images of purses you’d like to one day own? Pics or gtfo

Can you please post some more images of the accessories you’ve bought for your “wife”? I’m working on a piece of interracial erotic fiction and it’s important to get the details right.

You and me, we’ve got all the time in the world, mayo.

Thanks for the speedy update! You should really go deeper, if your boss can spare you from all that important work that you’re shirking, there’s gold in them thar mines.

“I don’t spend my free time on the white-owner/operated The Root like your dumb minority ass.” - Baby The Root is where we met! Where we had our first kiss! And where you’ve spent the last 8? -9? days screaming into your keyboard. Your job must be pretty menial and your life quite shite if you have the time and

Why not? She choose to be there, right? She elected to spend the best years of her life polishing the greasy pole of one of the most repugnant men in history. I’m sure she knew what that would entail, behaviour wise when she signed the prenup. They’re both pieces of shit and they deserve each other.

Lol fucking 5 days later. A male model you are not, neckbeard. Like all shitheel racists, you have to dickride someone else to feel good. You and Ryan Reynolds are both white annnnnnnd that’s where the similarities end. That’s where your similarities with all great, white men end. You aren’t smart, handsome, charming,

You’re a real sharer, eh?

Backing the fuck up? “On my skin, bro” I don’t give a shit about your bullshit, ex-con pedigree. You beat up some nobody skinhead 20 years ago, were stupid enough to get caught and you wear that like some kind of badge of pride? If going to jail for beating someone up 20 years ago is the only thing you’ve got to brag

Who the fuck cares dude? I don’t give a shit about you or your rap sheet. You’really still arguing politics on Kotaku like the rest of the weaboo’s. Does anyone look impressed?