
“And you are fucking damn right that I get steamed if I’m called a racist if I dare to use the work black.”

Lol, that’s what really grinds your gears? Because you sure don’t have any problem referring to black people as niggers. You’re like, the most fucking inconsistent, pussified racist I’ve ever encountered on the

That guy (Brett? Brent?) looks like he’s coming to us live from an infomercial in 1991.

You get the fuck outta here you fucking clown. Perhaps if tried not to see this situation as a black or white one - because it isn’t - and instead view it as a failure of America’s entire mental health support system you wouldn’t find yourself at such a conscience of crisis, you simple fucking idiot. Way to turn it

Lol, this site and it’s commentariat are such a fucking joke.

Are localization and censorship mutually exclusive on your home planet?

It’s great to meet new people and discover you have common interests.

I love stereotypes too.

“...less wealthy woman of color” lolfuckingwhut

Gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you, White Guy trying way too hard.

What’s the alternative? She takes a few years off of acting at 55 years old to take a course in Asian-American film studies at UCLA? What’s the point of having friends if not to have conversations about things that are sometimes uncomfortable? We’re not all starting from a blank slate, the current climate of

Spoiler alert: It didn’t.

The giant smiles the skaters have plastered on their faces while skating would be my guess. It’s hard to claim to be somber and respectful while you’re grinning like an idiot, dressed as a concentration camp prisoner.

“Uwe Boll for Fitzcarraldo..” I think you mean Werner Herzog

“sucks to be you though, because 64 is about 1000 times better then galaxy, and since you clearly can’t master a camera scheme that I mastered when i was 4, you will never get to know that.”

lol, ok lady.

Man, I must have really struck a nerve, it only took you three days but you (just barely) managed to compose a paragraph in which you use proper capitalization and punctuation. How many rough drafts did it take you to get here? Truly, I am in awe.

Oh, ok.


Warchild - Point Break, hands down.