
I hear ya. Just the other day I was leaving a NAMBLA meeting with some pedo’s I like to get coffee with. We walk into a handful of protestors and one calls me a molesting piece of shit! It’s like, hello lady - don’t assume that just because I’m leaving a meeting of the National Association of Man Boy Love with 3 well

“Freedom of speech is more important than what you believe to be considered decency. Your values are not good or bad. They are personal and you aren ebtitled to them. Your values will not be shared by everyone and you cant silence opposing opinions or force people to believe something.”

“you think im a bigot because i

How many times have you read The Fountainhead, exactly?

Lists no examples

“See, we dont need to have a big liberal ’collective cry’ or an article talking about how we should feel bad for black people.”

That’s your take? There’s a healthy amount of projection in it, you feeling ok? I’m not sure how basic human decency became a discussion about political ideology, despite what idiocy Trump’s

“See, that’s the kind of trollish comment I usually ignore. I’ll let this one be an example.”

In what way is it a troll? It’s literally all the article was about. Companies are constantly looking and experimenting with ways to curb harassment and abuse on their platforms. As for complaining about trolls on the internet

You suck your mothers cock with that mouth?

I can’t believe that it’s September, 2016 and there are still assholes with that fucking scene/Bieber haircut.

Both that post and the one linked here are by the same person. In both posts, Richmond flows back and forth when describing Alexis’ gender throughout Alexis’s life, referring to Alexis as both he, she, brother, sister. I’m not sure what you thought spamming the facebook tribute was supposed to prove, random idiot on

It’s neither fair, nor appropriate, nor decent, nor logical given the overwhelming evidence that the Arquette family supported all of Alexis’ transitions. Your doubts are based on nothing other than your own self involvement, nice try though.

There is very little about any of the acts of violence in horror (or other genre) movies that is common.

Ben Carson would stab his best friend and bash his own mother on the head with a hammer if they tried to get between him and his luggage.

I never played, but my friends did and I got sucked in by the lore and reading the codex’s/novels/wiki’s and what-not, so correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the captain sitting in the chair a Blood Angel or one of the the splinter chapters? Or is it normal for an Imperial Fist captain to wear red armour?

I don’t think anyone currently (or previously) writing or editing at Kotaku had anything to do with Peter Thiel or Hulk Hogan actually. But you stay mad bro.

How long ago was this time in which Gawker sites were less political? I’m legitimately curious because I’ve been around Gawker/io9/Gizmodo/deadspin/Kotaku for about 5 years now and they all seem to have about the same amount of left leaning opinions they always have had (perhaps with the exception of gizmodo). It

Before reading this article I knew absolutely nothing about the game, now I now that it’s a platforming title made by a small indie company over a period of 10 years that finally has a release date on Steam. I also watched a trailer. The game looks interesting. I went from knowing zilch about this game to possibly

Fuck your face, fuck face.

We currently do not have a word or equation large enough to represent the number. .....And sir? It appears to be... growing.

99% sure this guy isn’t Japanese, but you do you.