Toews Face

I hate to break it to you, but most major cities show that POCs aren’t better served by POCs in elected positions. At the end of the day, identity politics exist to distract from the most crucial divider—class. But go ahead, keep playing the neoliberal’s rigged game.

And you all mocked Donald Trump when he said Megyn Kelly spontaneously started bleeding from her eyes and her wherever...

It’s almost like one party has been looking to go to the negotiation table on gun control this whole time while the other has outright refused to at every turn.

In what world are the leftovers in option #1 free? Even if you split the second entree, you’re basically talking a $10-12 lunch by the time you factor in tax and tip. And plenty of foods simply do not re-heat well especially if you’re limited to only a microwave as most workers are (and this doesn’t even include the

It’s explicitly guaranteed in the 5A: “Nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Unfortunately, the racists running this country don’t believe that non-whites (and poor whites) deserve the same Constitutional protections afforded to more affluent whites

Exactly, I think there’s a certain amount of caveat emptor when selecting a dish outside of one’s wheelhouse. Unless there’s something actually wrong with the dish (e.g., wrong meal served, drastically over/undercooked, cold, etc.), I can’t imagine sending it back no matter how much I disliked it. It stinks, but

“We’re proud of our ignorance in Bergen County.”

Have you tried calling it by it’s actual name instead of after the lesser of the two major brands? It’s like asking someone for a “Puffs” when you want a tissue (or even a Kleenex). You’re going to get befuddled looks.

No “good” New Jersey native refers to it as “Taylor ham”. Any “good” Jersian recognizes that Case’s is by far the superior brand so referring to it as “Taylor ham” is doubling down on one’s stupidity.

They included it, they just don’t think it should be factored into the calculations because it’s not convenient to their argument. Just like they don’t think the fact that Wahlberg’s films have earned a bajillion dollars over the past decade while Williams’ films have not. It’s not about reason or reality. It’s about

It definitely shortened the prime of his career significantly. His reputation made him someone directors outright avoided after he had a few bombs in the early 90s. He hadn’t really aged that much by that point. He might have been a viable target for a career relaunch if he wasn’t such a notorious asshole. You can

You have direct knowledge of his exact motives and who made every production decision and the entire sequence of events? That’s pretty impressive for a random kinja commenter. Which of the executive producers are you?

How is this sexism? She didn’t have this provision in his contract, he did (or if she did, she failed to exercise it). It’s shameful opportunism (and given all the outright fuckery studios engage in to defraud talent out of royalties, not even that shameful), but it’s in no conceivable reality evidence of sexism.

Chevy Chase demonstrates otherwise.

Oh come on, I want him impeached for his numerous offenses, but the hotel arrangements were made in 2014. To argue that the Orange Bowl Committee and, by extension, Wisconsin could foresee him winning the presidency and therefore did this to curry future favor with Mango Hitler is laughable.

That sounds great on paper (as high minded ideals often do), but it only works if the other party is willing to compromise as well. When they refuse to budge an inch and take every bit of ground ceded s an excuse to move just a bit further to the right, you end up with the political center being far right and a

NJ is the only state without a single non-metropolitan county. There’s very few actually remote areas in the state (relative to most states).

Still doesn’t feel like enough. Until the NFL ups the penalties on these drastically (both with in-game consequences and with lengthy suspensions), it’s going to keep happening. I understand dangerous hits are going to happen and concussions, to a certain degree, are a byproduct of football (and thus, unavoidable

How many snaps has Kaep taken in that span? In the past year? I would take Rodgers without him having taken a snap in that period based on his familiarity with the playbook and offense alone (to say nothing about the talent gulf between the two). I’m not saying the blackballing of Kaep isn’t a huge wart on the

Poor IC, he seems like a well-meaning person lead astray by the charlatans in the modern feminist movement. If it weren’t for fucking assholes purposefully conflating normal human behavior with criminal behavior (looking at you #MeToo shitheads), dating in 2017 might not seem like such a mindfield to genuinely