
I’m sure it’s a factor here somehow but if I’m not mistaken Chip Kelly hates recruiting and basically everything about coaching except for the pure Xs & Os stuff

Not only do I hope her association is real, but I hope we find old Facebook message from Rapinoe calling people n*gger and that we learn from Alex Morgan drunkenly ran over a drifter then left the scene. Why? Because they’re footballers, for fuck’s sake, and we should let them be footballers, who for the record,

I read Deadspin pretty much every day and casually follow Barstool, and this really just seems like Deadspin is angry about someone from the USWNT being a fan of Barstool. Now granted saying that one person = “ENTIRE TEAM LOVES US”, is obviously a big stretch, but so what if Press like Barstool? Maybe she finds their

Thanks for the response.

Canadian (TSN) studio post-match commentators on the celebrations: “Classless, petty, skin-crawling, appalling, awful.” Chinese (CCTV-5) studio post-match commentators on the celebrations: “A very embarrassing thing to see. Strange that the coach does nothing to stop them.” German (ARD/ZDF) commentators during the

::Steps up onto wobbly soapbox::

So because the country as a whole was too right for Obama’s health care plan, we should go as far left as possible. After all, all your friends on twitter are for it and they are a representation of the American voter as a whole.

Bold Strategy, cotton, lets see how 4 more years of Cheetoh in Chief works out for you.

I’ll say to you what I’d say to Grover Norquist. Fuck pledges.

I’m not caping for anyone. Just tired of certain loudmouths on the left who think they know more than they do.

Do i think Beto is going to be the candidate? No. Am I willing to give him and (most of) these other candidates a chance to make their case

The problem was not the screen, but that Bagley ran into it blind and hard. Most of the time, defenders aren’t moving that fast when they make contact with a screen. Brogdon’s lean or whatever looked more defensive than anything, to me, like he didn’t want to get plowed over.

For the catch: The above still is from after he was touched. It was not that clear of a call.

So insanely talented. So fragile mentally and physically. It’s become pretty apparent that Butler is not the easiest guy to play with, but it’s clear that Embiid feels threatened by Butler’s presence and it’s affecting his game. Instead of recognizing that mid-season major team shakeups take time to adjust to, he

Guys come on. This is where we’re at? Public hangings were the most common form of carrying out the death penalty in the US until the 20th century. It remains a cultural element of every western, pirate, etc, style of film.

So, as a black person in America, I not only have to endure the racism, I have to somehow figure out a way to be kinder, gentler and even more merciful when I point out the racism? How much coddling do you need?

The problem with almost all liberal “damn those racist white rubes” pieces is that they never get to the only question that matters - what is to be done? People act as though trying to appeal to these voters to get them to be less shitty is some act of mercy or a demonstration of a lack of anti-racist bona fides. No -

Is that the season where Tami shows Smash “the ropes”?

Those German’s just don’t do well anywhere on the Volga river.