Tony Bullard

Yes, in the same way a person with only a few books doesn't need a bookshelf.

Quite possible. But I imagine Google Reader had it before Tumblr.

Another feature stolen from G+. To be honest, I'm surprised they didn't take it sooner. j/k navigation has become so natural to me it makes scrolling anything feel downright archaic.

"Lock Laces work best for athletic shoes and not so much for your everyday sneaker."

Damnit. Why can't Windows have a well supported launcher app? Used to Quicksilver was amazing, and it had all this awesome support and community behind it. The best Windows equivalent was Launchy, which was great, but didn't have a decent sized community behind it. Now it's barely supported at all. I've moved on to

Well, I set this up, and I feel like this is the best GReader alternative yet. It's extremely similar, but it's MINE! That feels really good. I already paid for a year of NewsBlur, but it may get left behind...

I even added my friends. I'm like their savior now.

I've done one challenge. A friend and I tried to out push-up each other. We both just ended up hurting ourselves.

I sent one with mine, and I was told it's why I was hired. I just wrote a matter of fact, charming letter about how I could use fancy words, but really, I just wanted to work for and help improve the company. The woman that fielded resumes at the time told me several times that my cover letter is what set me apart

Facebook has done this over and over again. They changed their photo viewer to be nearly identical too. I mean, it makes sense...G+ looks great. Now if only G+ could steal Facebook's users the same way Facebook keeps stealing G+'s design...

I would also like to see more stuff like this.

Do we really need a bunch of bachelors writing articles about parenting? Have you checked out

I read GTD a couple years ago, and apply it off and on (nobody's perfect!), but this is easily the best explaination of WHY you'd use this system, or any system, that I've seen yet.

I wish people would apply this to the Westboro Baptist Church. Counter protests just give the media a reason to say their name again.

That's a brilliant idea. Ok Astrid, now copy it. (I prefer Astrid over AnyDo)

I've always liked Whitson, but knowing that he can swing between Meshuggah and Taylor Swift makes me like him even more.

You could use Evernote.


You can drink as much coffee as you want all day, but the first time you say something along the lines of "Sorry, I haven't had my coffee yet." I lose a lot of respect for you. It's fine if you enjoy coffee, but the minute you let it become a crutch, I don't think you deserve any sort of forgiveness for it.

I took several breaks over the years, and have finally just given up on Facebook (almost) entirely. I only use it to communicate with band mates through chat and see the pictures my wife posts.