Tony Bullard

Ugh...great. I see this too many times on Reddit, and now it makes it to Lifehacker. This DOES NOT work.

I've been using this for about 3 weeks now, and despite checking out at least 8 times in that time period, it's not once provided me with any discounts...sigh...

I started using this a month or so ago. After not tracking my workouts for a few days, they stopped sending me the daily workout emails. Not sure if they'd start back up if I tracked one...

Fitocracy can be frustrating if you're into bodyweight exercises. Many of their scores make very little sense. Pushups get you less points than unweighted bench presses. Lots of silly things like that. I encouraged many friends to join Fitocracy, and then watched them all surpass me in points very quickly because they

This is why I avoid those kinds of things...

Travel close by! If you're into camping, that's some cheap lodging right there. Sometimes just getting a few hours away from home can be enough.

Re: IKEA As-Is section...

Being fired was the best thing to ever happen to me. It was the kick in the ass I needed to go from being a go-with-the-flow ex-college student to a go-get-'em career-minded adult. I told my boss that when he interviewed me, and I've had a very productive and successful 8 years at my current job.

I bought my first home, and managed to overlook a 50 gallon compost box full of dog poop in the back corner of the yard.

I bought domains for both my sons shortly after each was born. Yeah, by the time they have any use for them i'll have spend a few hundred dollars, but by the time they have any use for them type domains will be virtually non-existent.

You need to find a new job.

No, he's using MultiPicture Live Wallpaper, which gives each screen it's own separate picture.

I so want to delete my account at this point, but my band mates refuse to use any other means of communication. Jerks.

It's certainly improved since I tried it earlier, but the fact that you can't resize or change the orientation of the window is pretty disappointing.

See? This is why I complained. I shall reinstall and try again.

It's less of a "where am I going' and more of a "What's the best route to get to work in the current traffic situation?"

Use a different app. Fast for Android is a great facebook replacement.

I don't think it's greedy. Beeminder is providing a service. Heck, they're even letting YOU set the price. Will they succeed due to the nature of human beings? Yes. But the point of the company is to get people to NOT fail. Every aspect of the service is 100% opt-in, so I can't think of them as being evil here.

There are places that don't even let you listen to music...

The downside to it on Windows is you have to run everything in full screen. That makes it useless to me. I want to run Android apps on my PC in a small, phone shaped window. It's my PC, why would I want Fullscreen phone apps on it?