
I don't have these features either, but you saying that most of the people on this earth don't have them makes me wonder if that's why they are "prized"? Just wondering aloud...

hey, a good doctor is hard to find!

You're awesome! Thank you!

good for you!! i am going to look into this now....

oh you are so right. it is incredibly hard to trust people when all they want to do is shove meds down your throat and not get to the root of the problem!

I am totally fuming after reading someone post a rant about vaccines.

This whole comment is amazing. I'm in tears.

I seriously think that there should be survivor commercials, ads, billboards, etc. Your dad is on to something!

omg YES. It sucks because I only have a few close friends I can talk to openly about this...You can never tell who is anti-vaxx brainwashed. I have already said they need to be branded with forehead tattoos!


Nick Dick? No?

ok i love this story!!

i'm plain old white but have black hair and a big nose, so lots of times people think i'm from...somewhere??? i don't even know where. but yup, always the retail people!

uhhh you don't have short hair, duhzzzz!

we should be friends! samesies, all around!

same. always been obsessed. and i look back at 8 yr old todisconnect and i'm like "DAMN you had good taste for a little kid!"

dainty, cute periods AHAHAHAHAA

Alllll I see is Gillian Anderson!!


I'm slightly indecisive in certain situations, but DANG that's extreme. I had a great-aunt who was terrified of making decisions. She died alone, never having married, and as a secret millionaire. She could never decide what to spend her money on, so she just never spent a dime!