I am going to fight as much as I can to get comments on culture articles, just so you guys can do OF VOX.
I am going to fight as much as I can to get comments on culture articles, just so you guys can do OF VOX.
Major advantage of Vox: It rhymes with more things than The A.V. Club.
I'll actually probably be writing about TV and film, mainly, though I hope to touch on other areas as well. So do not despair for my TV coverage!
I think it was one of the most interesting shifts in the "good TV" format in many, many years. We talk about "novels for TV" a lot, but this was one of the first shows where I really felt like I was watching a modern novel for TV, with extremely tight focus and a plot that moved mostly in one direction, instead of…
More broadly speaking, I would hope the project would let readers think a little bit about the arbitrariness of saying something is "the best." But if they don't, that's cool, because it's fun to watch a bracket unfold.
Yep. This was entirely my idea, and that was basically the idea behind it. We wanted to do something to mark the end of the TV season, but not a bunch of lists. This seemed like more fun.
Sansa is queen.
I accept this challenge and will not use the words "books" or "George R.R. Martin" anywhere in my FOC.
Last season was the age of Pornstache's empathy. The fact that he seems to genuinely love Daya colors that character in unexpected ways.
I genuinely don't. I know the general neighborhood of what it was about, but I don't remember the specifics in any way, shape, or form. When you're arguing as often as we were at that point, they all tend to bleed together.
Louie acts like it's a triumph, though my argument is the direction is actively undercutting him at that moment. But there's a fair number of people who tend to bias toward protagonists, so they'll probably miss the irony.
It's a great moment, no question! But we decided it didn't qualify.
We also have Lost because of Cast Away. Not only was that movie insanely popular, but it got big numbers in TV broadcasts.
There is a pilot coming this fall that has a significant time jump in its runtime.
I really should have moved heaven and Earth to get Funky Winkerbean in here. (I'm serious.)
As explained below, we didn't consider that a true time jump, because most of the show stayed in Timeline A, instead of moving on to Timeline B.
As stated, we were looking for stories where the show leapt forward, then mostly stayed in that timeline. Lost just added flash-forwards to its repertoire. It also didn't really depict the shift visually, outside of Jack's awesome beard.
I like Carnivale, but it's not really a huge influence on shows that came later.