Herpes Conrad

Same here, to the point where when I'm reading these recaps/discussion threads, I question whether I actually even read the books at all.

Holy shit the cascade of memories. I loved those books, and the Legends series and all the other ancillary ones. And of course, all of the Icewind Dale & Drizzt books too. Jesus. Looks like I'll be combing my parents' house for all those old copies and rebuying any I can't find.

Butch Walker as Larry. He'd be perfect.

The other breakfast food they make is Salem's Lox.


Nope, he's walkin', dude.

Albuquerque could use its own international airport.

Why wouldn't they? The U.S. does it.

THANK YOU. Ugh, jesus I get sick of the simple-minded hipster Comic Book Guyism rampant in these comment threads. Dana's a great character. And yeah, she does dumb, selfish things because - get this - SHE'S A FUCKING TEENAGER, YOU DOLTS. But her story is important to the overall plot and adds an important element of